MOC OSP Director Configuration


This configuration will provision:

  • 1 undercloud
  • 3 controllers
  • 2 compute nodes


Interface VLAN Tagged CIDR DHCP? Description Director network
eth0 ? unused
eth1 ? unused
eth2 3699 N Y foreman provisioning network
eth2 105 Y N public API/horizon External
eth2 3702 Y N openstack api network InternalApi
eth2 3704 Y N tenant networks Tenant
eth2 3803 Y N floating ip
eth3 3700 Y N ceph public network Storage

Wrapper scripts

There are three wrapper scripts in this repository that simplify the process of deploying RHOSP.

  • overcloud-prep.sh

    Retrieves all the necessary Docker images from the remote repository and stores them into the local registry running on the undercloud host.

    It generates the templates/overcloud_images.yaml environment file that points the overcloud deploy at the local registry server.

    This script is responsible for generating any patched Docker images necessary for the deployment and pushing them into the local registry.

  • overcloud-deploy.sh

    Runs the actual overcloud deploy. This takes care of generating some files (mostly credentials) from templates. Ensures that the environment files necessary to realize our overcloud configuration are provide on the deploy command line.

    Prior to running the openstack overcloud deploy command, this script packages up any patched puppet modules and ensures that they will be installed as part of the deploy process.

  • overcloud-continue.sh

    When deploying onto pre-provisioned nodes, the individual nodes must poll the undercloud in order to receive their configuration. This script automates that process, following the instructions in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

Configuration files

  • templates/network/network_data.yaml

    This overrides the stock list of overcloud networks. We disable the "storage management" network, since we're running all of our storage traffic over a single vlan.

  • templates/network/config/compute.yaml

    Describes the network configuration of compute nodes.

  • templates/network/config/controller.yaml

    Describes the network configuration of controllers.

  • templates/ceph-external.yaml

    This configures the overcloud to use an existing Ceph cluster rather than deploying a Ceph service as part of the overcloud.

  • templates/deploy.yaml

    This contains the bulk of our custom configuration (including information about network address ranges and vlan ids).

  • templates/postconfig.yaml

    Contains post-deploy actions that take care of:

    • Finalizing the network configuration for br-ex
    • Creating the necessary keystone resources to support openid federation
    • Creating some Nova flavors
  • templates/swift-external.yaml

    Configures the overcloud to use Ceph RadosGW for the object storage service, rather than deploying Swift as part of the overcloud install.

  • templates/services/patch-puppet-modules.yaml

    Deploys patched puppet modules (from patches/puppet-modules) onto the overcloud nodes. This is a replacement for the existing DeployArtifacts feature, which was not suitable for this purpose.

  • templates/single-signon.yaml

    Configuration for enabling Keystone federated authentication.


The file credentials.yaml is generated at deploy time from credentials.yaml.in. This pulls passwords and other secrets from Bitwarden.


We are carrying several patches as part of our deployment.

Keystone Docker Image

We are using a patched version of the Keystone docker image that includes the mod_auth_openidc package to support Keystone federation.

Horizon Docker Image

We are using a patched version of the Horizon docker image in order to support our custom theme.

Puppet modules

While not included in this repository, we are also making use of patches versions of puppet-keystone and puppet-tripleo in order to support Keystone federation.

The changes can all be found at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:feature/keystone/openidc.