In the Julia REPL, hit ]
to enter the package mode and type
pkg> add
and then to check that everything is ok
pkg> test OpenFst
On the first call of
julia> using OpenFst
OpenFst will be downloaded and installed.
This interface is similar in functionality to the OpenFst command-line and python interfaces. Principal differences:
- the Julia convention of 1-based indexing is followed for states, arcs and labels. E.g. the first state and arc of a state has index 1 and label 1 is epsilon. Label ID 0 and state ID 0 are reserved for 'nolabel' and 'nostateid' respectively.
- the Julia convention of naming functions that modify their
argument is followed. So the constructive
union(fst1, fst2)
returns a new FST but the destructive 'union!(fst1, fst2)' modifies its first argument and returnsnothing
. Destructive versions of operations are provided when more efficient and corresponding constructive versions are usually included for convenience. - weights are currently specified by floating point numbers supporting TropicalWeight, LogWeight, and Log64Weight
- Most OpenFst operations are supported but currently mainly with only the default options
See the example below for FST creation, access, and operation syntax.
$ julia --project=./ exampl.jl
will run this example:
Example code for Julia OpenFst interface
using OpenFst
F = OpenFst
# Create a flower automaton
flower = F.VectorFst{F.TropicalWeight}()
F.setstart!(flower, 1) # states numbered from 1 per Julia
F.setfinal!(flower, 1, 0.0)
for i in 1:4
arc = F.Arc(ilabel=i, olabel=i, weight=i, nextstate=1)
F.addarc!(flower, 1, arc)
# Show flower automaton
println("start = ", F.start(flower))
println("num states = ", F.numstates(flower))
for s in F.states(flower)
println("state ", s,
": # arcs = ", F.numarcs(flower, s),
", final weight = ",, s))
for a in F.arcs(flower, s)
# Convenience functions
optimize(f) = F.arcsort(F.minimize(F.determinize(F.rmepsilon(f))), F.ilabel)
equiv(f1, f2) = F.equivalent(optimize(f1), optimize(f2))
# Create a random FST
function randfst(ifst)
# union some paths in the flower automaton
ofst = F.VectorFst{F.TropicalWeight}()
for i in 1:5
path = F.randgen(ifst)
F.union!(ofst, path)
# Optimize the result
fst1 = randfst(flower)
fst2 = randfst(flower)
fst3 = randfst(flower)
# Test that intersection associates
# F1 * (F2 * F3)
result1 = F.intersect(fst1, F.intersect(fst2, fst3))
# (F1 * F2) * F3
result2 = F.intersect(F.intersect(fst1, fst2), fst3)
println("Intersection associates: ", equiv(result1, result2))
# Test that intersection distributes over union
# F1 * (F2 U F3)
result1 = F.intersect(fst1, F.union(fst2, fst3))
# F1 * F2 U F1 * F3
result2 = F.union(F.intersect(fst1, fst2), F.intersect(fst1, fst3))
println("Intersection distributes over union: ", equiv(result1, result2))
The output of this script is:
start = 1
num states = 1
state 1: # arcs = 4, final weight = 0.0
Arc(ilabel = 1, olabel = 1, weight = 1.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 2, olabel = 2, weight = 2.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 3, olabel = 3, weight = 3.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 4, olabel = 4, weight = 4.0, nextstate = 1)
Intersection associates: true
Intersection distributes over union: true
See ./
- Wrap: encode info map relabel replace reweight
- Expose more options to operations in the interface
- Improve julia safety - catch more errors in julia not C++
- Extend to general weights and arcs