
Julia OpenFst interface

Primary LanguageJuliaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Julia OpenFst interface


In the Julia REPL, hit ] to enter the package mode and type

pkg> add https://github.com/openfst/OpenFst.jl

and then to check that everything is ok

pkg> test OpenFst

On the first call of

julia> using OpenFst

OpenFst will be downloaded and installed.


This interface is similar in functionality to the OpenFst command-line and python interfaces. Principal differences:

  1. the Julia convention of 1-based indexing is followed for states, arcs and labels. E.g. the first state and arc of a state has index 1 and label 1 is epsilon. Label ID 0 and state ID 0 are reserved for 'nolabel' and 'nostateid' respectively.
  2. the Julia convention of naming functions that modify their argument is followed. So the constructive union(fst1, fst2) returns a new FST but the destructive 'union!(fst1, fst2)' modifies its first argument and returns nothing. Destructive versions of operations are provided when more efficient and corresponding constructive versions are usually included for convenience.
  3. weights are currently specified by floating point numbers supporting TropicalWeight, LogWeight, and Log64Weight
  4. Most OpenFst operations are supported but currently mainly with only the default options

See the example below for FST creation, access, and operation syntax.



$ julia --project=./ exampl.jl

will run this example:

Example code for Julia OpenFst interface

using OpenFst
F = OpenFst

# Create a flower automaton
flower = F.VectorFst{F.TropicalWeight}()
F.setstart!(flower, 1)        # states numbered from 1 per Julia
F.setfinal!(flower, 1, 0.0)
for i in 1:4
	arc = F.Arc(ilabel=i, olabel=i, weight=i, nextstate=1)
	F.addarc!(flower, 1, arc)

# Show flower automaton
println("start = ", F.start(flower))
println("num states = ", F.numstates(flower))
for s in F.states(flower)
	println("state ", s,
			": # arcs = ", F.numarcs(flower, s),
			", final weight = ", F.final(flower, s))
	for a in F.arcs(flower, s)

# Convenience functions
optimize(f) = F.arcsort(F.minimize(F.determinize(F.rmepsilon(f))), F.ilabel)
equiv(f1, f2) = F.equivalent(optimize(f1), optimize(f2))

# Create a random FST
function randfst(ifst)
  # union some paths in the flower automaton
  ofst = F.VectorFst{F.TropicalWeight}()
  for i in 1:5
	path = F.randgen(ifst)
	F.union!(ofst, path)
  # Optimize the result

fst1 = randfst(flower)
fst2 = randfst(flower)
fst3 = randfst(flower)

# Test that intersection associates
# F1 * (F2 * F3)
result1 = F.intersect(fst1, F.intersect(fst2, fst3))
# (F1 * F2) * F3
result2 = F.intersect(F.intersect(fst1, fst2), fst3)
println("Intersection associates: ", equiv(result1, result2))

# Test that intersection distributes over union
# F1 * (F2 U F3)
result1 = F.intersect(fst1, F.union(fst2, fst3))
# F1 * F2 U F1 * F3
result2 = F.union(F.intersect(fst1, fst2), F.intersect(fst1, fst3))
println("Intersection distributes over union: ", equiv(result1, result2))

The output of this script is:

start = 1
num states = 1
state 1: # arcs = 4, final weight = 0.0
Arc(ilabel = 1, olabel = 1, weight = 1.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 2, olabel = 2, weight = 2.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 3, olabel = 3, weight = 3.0, nextstate = 1)
Arc(ilabel = 4, olabel = 4, weight = 4.0, nextstate = 1)
Intersection associates: true
Intersection distributes over union: true


See ./runtests.sh

To Do

  1. Wrap: encode info map relabel replace reweight
  2. Expose more options to operations in the interface
  3. Improve julia safety - catch more errors in julia not C++
  4. Extend to general weights and arcs