
A reorderable subclass of UIStackView in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 9.0 and later
  • Swift 4.2


SQReorderableStackView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SQReorderableStackView"


SQReorderableStackView is a subclass of UIStackView. To use with Interface Builder, add a UIStackView nib and set its custom class to SQReorderableStackView. It does not require a reorderDelegate to be set.
NOTE: Any subviews whose userInteractionEnabled property is set to false will not be able to be "picked up" by the user.

Public Properties


    /// Whether or not the subviews can be picked and reordered.
    public var reorderingEnabled = true

    /// The delegate for reordering.
    public var reorderDelegate: SQReorderableStackViewDelegate?
    /// The relative scale of the held view's snapshot during reordering to its subview's canonical size. Default is `1.1`
    public var temporaryViewScale: CGFloat = 1.1
    /// The releative scale of the other subviews's size during reordering. Default is `0.95`
    public var otherViewsScale: CGFloat = 0.95
    /// The alpha of the held view's snapshot curing reordering. Defaults is `0.9`
    public var temporaryViewAlpha: CGFloat = 0.9
    /// The gap created once the long press drag is triggered. Default is `5`
    public var dragHintSpacing: CGFloat = 5
    /// The longPress duration for activating reordering. Default is `0.2` seconds
    public var longPressMinimumPressDuration = 0.2
    /// Determines whether or not the axis is horizontal.
    public var isHorizontal: Bool // readonly
    /// Determines whether or not the axis is vertical.
    public var isVertical: Bool // readonly

Delegate Methods

Using a reorderDelegate allows both finer control of individual subviews' reordering and responding to changes made to the order of the subviews by the user.


    /// called when a subview is "picked up" by the user
    @objc optional func stackViewDidBeginReordering(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView)
    /// Whenever a user drags a subview for a reordering, the delegate is told whether the direction
    /// was forward (left/down) or backward (right/up), as well as what the max and min X or Y values are of the subview
    @objc optional func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, didDragToReorderInForwardDirection forward: Bool, maxPoint: CGPoint, minPoint: CGPoint)
    /// didReorderArrangedSubviews - called when reordering ends only if the selected subview's index changed during reordering
    @objc optional func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, didReorderArrangedSubviews arrangedSubviews: Array<UIView>)
    /// didEndReordering - called when reordering ends
    @objc optional func stackViewDidEndReordering(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView)
    /// called when reordering is cancelled
    @objc optional func stackViewDidCancelReordering(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView)
    /// Tells the ReorderableStackView whether or not the pressed subview may be picked up.
    @objc optional func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, canReorderSubview subview: UIView, atIndex index: Int) -> Bool
    /// Tells the ReorderableStackView whether or not the held subview can take the spot at which is being held.
    @objc optional func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, shouldAllowSubview subview: UIView, toMoveToIndex index: Int) -> Bool

For example, an individual subview can be disallowed from being reordered or moved. To keep the stackView's third subview (index 2) from being picked up or replaced:

    func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, canReorderSubview subview: UIView, atIndex index: Int) -> Bool {
        if index == 2 {
            return false
        } else {
            return true

    func stackView(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView, shouldAllowSubview subview: UIView, toMoveToIndex index: Int) -> Bool {
        if index == 2 {
            return false
        } else {
            return true

Also, the delegate can respond to a completed reordering action, such as updating values based on the new order:

    func stackViewDidReorderArrangedSubviews(_ stackView: SQReorderableStackView) {
                var text = ""
        for label in stackView.arrangedSubviews as! [UILabel] {
            text.append(" ")
        self.label.text = text

NOTE: stackViewDidEndReordering(_:) will be called each time the user interaction ends whether or not the subviews were reordered. stackViewDidReorderArrangedSubviews(_:) will only be called if the order of the subviews was changed.


markedwardmurray, markedwardmurray@gmail.com

SQReorderableStackView is adapted from `APReorderableStackView uploaded to GitHub by Clay Ellis


SQReorderableStackView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.