
Construct phonon tight-binding model and calculate its topological properties

Primary LanguagePython


This is Tight-binding code for phonon

  1. Model Hamiltonian (bulk phonon band, edge phonon band, phonon DOS, Willson's loop, Berry curvature, Berry phase, implementation TRS breaking terms, visulization with v_sim, extract TB parameters from PHONOPY...)
  2. Read Force constants from phonopy combined with other first-principles calculation codes such as VASP and Quantum Espresso
  3. To be implemented: Non-equilibrium Green Function (NEGF), phonon-phonon interactions, atomic projected phonon DOS
  4. Under development, Not released verison (contact info : hanwooh@gmail.com or hanwooh@kaist.ac.kr)


  1. Hamiltonian for phonons: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.064106
  2. In preparation: W.H.Han and K.J.Chang (2018)


  1. ~2018.2: Construct TB model & topological quantities
  2. 2018.4: Edge states
  3. 2018.5: Visualization via v_sim
  4. 2018.6: Read_FC_from_phonopy