ENV: linux-base env localhost package: docker, docker-compose

start service

  1. $mkdir -p /opt/shopping_cart
  2. copy the package to /opt/shopping_cart
  3. $cd /opt/shopping_cart
  4. $docker-compose up -d
  5. the service would start up

test api

  • input server_ip:8000/docs in browser could test the apis
  • the webpage would show the api description, the parameter that api need and how to use apis



  • POST -> /product (create product)
  • GET -> /product/{product_id} (get product detail information)
  • GET -> /products (get the list of products information)
  • PUT -> /product/{product_id} (update product attribute)
  • DELETE -> /product/{product_id} (delete the product)


  • POST -> /signup (create user)
  • GET -> /user/{user_id} (get user detail information)
  • GET -> /users (get the list of users information)
  • PUT -> /user/{user_id} (update user attribute)
  • DELETE -> /user/{user_id} (delete the user)


POST -> /login (user login) => would return access, refresh token for the limited api(like cart, checkout)


  • GET -> /get_cart/{user_id} (get cart information by user_id)
  • PUT -> /update_to_cart/{user_id} (update/create cart)
  • PUT -> /delete_cart_item/{user_id} (delete cart)
  • POST -> /cart/checkout (checkout the cart item and create to order table)