
My homeworks for the MVA course "Point Clouds and 3D Modeling " (teached by F. Goulette, J-E Deschaud and T. Boubekeur)

Primary LanguagePython


My homeworks for the MVA course "Point Clouds and 3D Modeling " (teached by F. Goulette, J-E Deschaud and T. Boubekeur), using CloudCompare and MeshLab to visualize point clouds, including:

  • Basic operations and structures on point clouds (KNN and KDTree, decimation and grid subsampling)
  • Iterative Closest Points algorithm for point cloud registration
  • Neighborhood descriptors (from covariance matrix) and point classification
  • Rendering (Lambert, Blinn-Phong and Cook-Torrance BRDF)
  • Surface Reconstruction (Hoppe and EIMLS functions)
  • Modelling (RANSAC, Region Growing)