Ansible role which helps to patch RedHat-based systems.
The configuration of the role is done in such way that it should not be necessary to change the role for any kind of configuration. All can be done either by changing role parameters or by declaring completely new configuration as a variable. That makes this role absolutely universal. See the examples below for more details.
Please report any issues or send PR.
- name: Fix all erratas
hosts: myhost1
- errata
- name: Patch only security erratas
hosts: myhost2
# Enable security erratas only
errata_security: yes
- errata
- name: Patch only security and bugfixes erratas
hosts: myhost3
# Enable security erratas
errata_security: yes
# Enable bugfixes erratas
errata_bugfix: yes
- errata
- name: Patch only Critical and Important security erratas
hosts: myhost4
# Enable security erratas only
errata_security: yes
# Limit the severity to Critical and Important patches
- Critical
- Important
- errata
- name: Patch only specific security erratas if found
hosts: myhost5
# Enable security erratas
errata_security: yes
# Enable bugfixes erratas
errata_bugfix: yes
# List of erratas to patch
- RHBA-2016:2748
- RHSA-2016:1940
- RHSA-2016:2702
- RHSA-2016:2674
- errata
- name: Print matching erratas but don't fix them
hosts: myhost6
# Enable printing of matching erratas
errata_print_match: yes
# Disable fixing
errata_fix: no
- errata
Variables used by the role is as follows:
# YUM security plugin package (explicit version can be specified here)
errata_plugin_pkg: yum-plugin-security
# Whether to clean YUM cache before searching for erratas
errata_clean: yes
# List of erratas to check
# (set to 'all' to fix all erratas)
errata_list: all
# Whether to check for bugfixes advisories
errata_bugfix: no
# Whether to check for security advisories
errata_security: no
# List of security severities
- Critical
- Important
- Moderate
- Low
# Whether to print the list of found erratas
errata_print_found: no
# Whether to print the list of matching erratas
errata_print_match: no
# Whether to fix the found erratas
errata_fix: yes
# Filter which produces the final list of found erratas
errata_filter: "| grep -v 'not found' | sed 's/\ .*//' | sort | uniq"
Jiri Tyr