
Simple Social Media App with Django Rest Framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Social Media App with Django Rest Framework

The final aim:

  • User can register & login.
  • User can create posts with photos and videos.
  • Other users can comment (with photos and videos) on posts.
  • User can follow and/or unfollow another users.
  • User can like and/or unlike a post.
  • Runs on PostgreSQL backend.
  • Tested (Code coverage).

It is not meant for production,but just provides some starting points for building a real-world project.

Running Social DRF on your local machine

You must have Docker and Docker Compose. If it's not the case:

Run docker-compose:

docker-compose build


docker-compose up -d

Execute management command inside docker-compose

docker-compose exec social-drf python manage.py makemigrations
docker-compose exec social-drf python manage.py migrate
docker-compose exec social-drf python manage.py createsuperuser


docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

now you can open the browser to http://localhost:8000/api/v1/swagger/ to view the project documentation.

Code Coverage

Social DRF has a code coverage of 91%.

To run code coverage inside docker:

docker-compose exec social-drf coverage run --source='.' manage.py test

You can see the report by typing the following command:

docker-compose exec social-drf coverage report