
ju2wheels.pyenv is an Ansible Galaxy role for pyenv. It is designed to be highly modular for use with the include_role module across multiple platforms.

Supported Platforms

Platform Versions
Alpine 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
Amazon 2016.09, 2017.03
Debian 7, 8, 9
CentOS 6, 7
Fedora 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Linux Mint 18
openSUSE 13.2
openSUSE Leap 42.2
Oracle Linux 6, 7
RedHat 6, 7
Scientific 6, 7
Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04


Ansible >= 2.4

Role Variables

Role Variable Description
pyenv GIT clone parameters (except for dest) to pass to the git Ansible module for cloning/installing the pyenv repository (these settings are used for all users).
pyenv_build_dependencies Build dependencies required for building Python versions with pyenv. Dictionary whose key is an ansible_distribution and value is a pyenv_package object (see below).
pyenv_git_dependencies GIT dependencies required for installing GIT on the platform which is required to install pyenv and pyenv-virutalenv. Dictionary whose key is an ansible_distribution and value is a pyenv_package object (see below).
pyenv_repositories Configure repositories required to install dependencies. Dictionary whose key is an ansible_distribution and value is a pyenv_repository object (see below).
pyenv_repository_keys Configure repository keys required to install dependencies. Dictionary whose key is an ansible_distribution and value is a pyenv_repository_key object (see below).
pyenv_users Configure pyenv Python versions, shell autoloading and optionally plugins like pyenv-virtualenv and virtualenvs. Array of pyenv_user objects (see below).
pyenv_virtualenv GIT clone parameters (except for dest) to pass to the git Ansible module for cloning/installing the pyenv-virtualenv repository (these settings are used for all users).


The pyenv_package object is a dictionary used for pairing a list of packages with package manager Ansible module (apt, dnf, yum, etc) parameters.

pyenv_package key Description
package_manager Dictionary containing parameters for the package manager Ansible module (apt, dnf, yum, etc). Most parameters are accepted if they make sense in the context of the task except for state.
packages Array of package names to install.


The pyenv_repository object is a dictionary used for defining repository configuration Ansible module (apt_repositry, yum_repository, etc) parameters. The current key values supported are epel or git. The value for epel or git is a dictionary of yum_repository or apt_repository Ansible module parameters respectively (except for state).


The pyenv_repository object is a dictionary used for defining repository key configuration Ansible module (apt_key, rpm_key, etc) parameters. The current key values support are epel or git. The value for epel or git is a dictionary of rpm_key or apt_key Ansible module parameters respectively (except for state).


The pyenv_user object is a dictionary and is the main driver for all ju2wheels.pyenv task sets for controlling the configuration behavior of pyenv for each user.

pyenv_user key Description
username The username of the user to become when configuring pyenv.
plugins Array specifying pyenv plugins to install. Currently only supports pyenv-virtualenv.
pyenv_dest The destination where pyenv gets installed. If its a relative path, its relative to the user's HOME directory. This is used in combination with the pyenv role variable.
shell_rc_blockinfile_properties Dictionary of blockinfile parameters used when configuring shell autoloading for pyenv in shell rc files.
shell_rc_files Array of shell rc file destinations in which to enable pyenv shell autoloading. If its a relative path, its relatvie to the user's HOME directory.
python_versions Array of pyenv Python versions to be compiled and installed for the user.
virtualenvs Array of pyenv_virtualenv objects (see below) that define virtualenvs to create.


The pyenv_virtualenv object is a dictionary that links a virtualenv name to a specific Python version.

pyenv_virtualenv key Description
name The name of the virtualenv.
python_version The Python version the virtualenv will use. This should be a version that is listed in the python_versions array of the current user's pyenv_user object.

For actual example implementations of these role variables see defaults\main.yml and the unit test vars (its less complicated than the above makes it seem :-) ).

Task Sets

The ju2wheels.pyenv role is designed in a modular fashion and has different task sets defined which can be used independently of each other with the same role variables using the Ansible include_role module. For a full description and requirements of each task set see the task sets README.

Example Playbook


- hosts: localhost
    # If you already have epel-release installed or EPEL configured on EL
    # platforms or dont want to add the latest GIT PPA for Ubuntu/Linux Mint,
    # uncomment these to disable repository configuration.
    # This is added so that this role works in a standalone fashion, but
    # is recommended you add these to a more general task/role in your playbook.
    #pyenv_repositories: {}
    #pyenv_repository_keys: {}

    # If you dont customize pyenv_users, the role will setup Python 2.x and
    # 3.x under the user accessing the hosts by default
    # (ie hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_env.USER ).
      - username: myuser
        # Only virtualenv plugin is currently supported
          - pyenv-virtualenv
        # If the destination paths are relative, they are converted to be
        # relative to the user's HOME directory
        pyenv_dest: '.pyenv'
        # Shell environment autoloading configuration for blockinfile module
        # (can be empty dictionary if you dont want to customize it).
          backup: yes
          create: yes
          follow: yes
        # If the destination paths are relative, they are converted to be
        # relative to the user's HOME directory
          - '.bashrc'
          - 2.7.13
          - 3.6.0
          - name: venv-2.7.13
            python_version: 2.7.13
          - name: venv-3.6.0
            python_version: 3.6.0
    - ju2wheels.pyenv

# Alternative include_role syntax
- hosts: localhost
    # Same variables as above
    - include_role:
        name: ju2wheels.pyenv
        # This can be omitted as main.yml and install.yml are equivalent
        #tasks_from: install

Unit Testing

See the Unit Testing README for requirements and unit testing process.


Feel free to open an issue request to add support for other platforms. Additional platforms should only require adding platform specific sections under build_dependencies\, git_dependencies\, and repository\ as well as updating defaults\main.yml with platform default values.



Author Information

Julio Lajara <GH user at Gmail>