
Python project created in response to an interview project as a sample.

Primary LanguagePython


This project was created as an interview sample project. It highlights combining Docker with Python unit testing using nose and mock and packaging with setuptools.

Python specific packaging details can be found here:

Resource Description
setuptools Python setuptools documentation.
pkg_resources Python pkg_resources documentation for finding and using package resources.
setup.py setuptools template Python setuptools template with comments.
nose Python nose unit testing documentation.

If you are test running the included code, please note that you may have to regenerate the self signed HTTPS cert included in the Docker image in order to get the HTTPS to work.

sha_api is a REST API using bottle that stores messages based on their SHA256 digest and allows easy retrieval.

Supported Python versions and Platforms

Python Versions: 2.7 (3.2+ should work ok as well but not tested)

Platforms: Linux


  • Python
    • bottle
    • bottle-sqlite
    • coverage
    • mock
    • nose
    • nose-cov
    • pip
    • setuptools
  • RPMs
    • nginx
    • supervisor
  • Other
    • docker
    • docker-compose
    • make

Please ensure you have docker, docker-compose, and make installed on your dev machine before beginning below. It is assumed that the current user can run the docker and docker-compose command without needing to use sudo to acquire root.

Building sha_api

A sha_api docker image can be built using the make build target.

$ make build

Running sha_api

A sha_api docker instance can be run using the make run target:

$ make run

Testing sha_api

In order to run tests against sha_api you need to ensure your current active environment Python (system or virtual environment) is version 2.7 and the above Python requirements are installed (pylint can be optionally installed as well for linting).

Once all the dependencies are installed you can run the nose unit tests by running the make test target.

$ make test


The sha_api container has a /data volume which has the following structure:

Volume Path Description
/data/etc/sha_api/sha_api.conf The bottle configuration file for the sha_apid REST API daemon. THe ini style format is described in the bottle Configuration guide.
/data/etc/nginx/* All nginx configuration files from this directory are copied into /etc/nginx when the container starts (it does not do a recursive copy. The default image includes /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, /etc/nginx/server.crt, and /etc/nginx/server.key.
/data/sha_api.db This is the sqlite database used by the sha_apid service to store messages. This is automatically created and initialized if not present.
/data/var/log The application logs are contained here. The sha_apid REST API logs are automatically rotated by supervisord but the nginx logs are not currently rotated.

By overriding the sha_api.conf and the nginx configuration files, the entire REST API and SSL reverse proxy can be reconfigured.

Example sha_api.conf:

debug = True

debug = True
host =
port = 8080
server = wsgiref

dbfile = /data/sha_api.db

sha_api REST API Endpoints

Endpoint HTTP Request Type Description
/messages POST A message of the structure {"message": "message data"} can be submitted for storage.
/messages/ GET The message with the requested SHA256 digest is retrieved.

Example requests using curl (Note: We are using -k to disable verification of the built in SSL cert as it self signed):

$ make run

# In a separate terminal:

$ curl -k -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message": "foo"}' https://localhost/messages
$ curl -k -v https://localhost/messages/2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae
$ curl -k -v https://localhost/messages/badshasum


  1. How would your implementation scale if this were a high throughput service?

    My current implementation has a few short comings. The sha_apid REST API service is using the default wsgiref web server which does not support true threading and will therefor limit response handling. This example also uses sqlite as the backend instead of a more production oriented db like PostgreSQL, and as such the db wrapper is very plain and opens/closes the db connection after each endpoint request. I bundled nginx with the backend REST API for demonstration purposes but in general these should be separate.

  2. How could you improve that?

    To resolve the resquest processing throughput, the wsgiref web server would need to be replaced by a proper threading web front end for the REST API. The database shim that bottle uses would need to be replaced by one for a more production ready database, and preferrably it would support connection pooling so that the sha_apid can maintain a pool of connections and allow each threaded request to quickly get a db handle as necessary. For the nginx SSL reverse proxy, this should be removed from the backend REST API container and be placed as close to the requester as possible versus closer to the REST API as it is now. By moving nginx to the beginning or the request change it can be placed in front of a round robin sha_api instances to process requests.