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Test SEO

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An easy-to-use package for testing SEO. The package allows you to extract SEO tags from a given HTML and verify that the SEO structure is correct.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require juampi92/test-seo --dev


// Create TestSEO instance using the response:
$seo = new TestSEO($htmlResponse);

// Perform assertions:
$seo->assertTitleEndsWith(' - My Website');

// Assert the data yourself:
    'My title - My Website',

Look at the following examples using PHPUnit, Laravel, and Pest.


public function testLandingPageSEO()
    // Arrange
    // ...
    // Act
    $response = $client->get('/')->send();

    // Assert
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $html = json_decode($response->getBody(true), true);

    $seo = new TestSEO($html);
    // Assert
        ->assertTitleEndsWith(' - My Website')


public function test_landing_page_SEO()
    // Arrange
    // ...
    // Act
    $response = $this->get('/');

    // Assert

    $seo = new TestSEO($response->getContent());
        ->assertTitleEndsWith(' - My Website')


test('landing page SEO tags', function () {
    // Arrange
    // ...
    // Act
    $response = get('/')->assertStatus(200);
    $seo = new TestSEO($response->getContent());
    // Assert
        ->title()->toEndWith(' - My Website')
        ->description()->toBe('This is my description')

SEO Data

You can access the SEO Data yourself by accessing the public property TestSEO->data. Here are the available methods:

Method Returns Description
title() ?string <title>{this}</title>
description() ?string <meta name="description" content="{this}">
image() ?Url 🔍 <meta name="image" content="{this}">
robots() Robots 🔍 <meta name="robots" content="{this}">
canonical() ?Url 🔍 <link rel="canonical" href="{this}">
prev() ?Url 🔍 <link rel="prev" href="{this}">
next() ?Url 🔍 <link rel="next" href="{this}">
openGraph() TagCollection 🔍 <meta property="og:{key}" content="{value}">
twitter() TagCollection 🔍 <meta name="twitter:{key}" content="{value}">
alternateHrefLang() AlternateHrefLangCollection 🔍 <link name="alternate" hreflang="{hreflang}" href={href}>
images() array<array{src: string, alt: string, title: string}> All images in the page. <img src="...">
h1s() array<string> All H1 in the page. <h1>{this}</h1>
h2s() array<string> All H2 in the page. <h2>{this}</h2>
charset() ?string <meta charset="utf-8">

The SEOData class is Macroable, so feel free to extend it yourself.


Method Notes
assertCanonicalIs(string $expected)
assertRobotsIsNoIndexNoFollow() Checks that the robots are noindex, nofollo or none
assertPaginationIsEmpty() prev and next are both missing.
assertTitleIs(string $expected)
assertTitleContains(string $expected)
assertTitleEndsWith(string $expected)
assertDescriptionIs(string $expected)
assertThereIsOnlyOneH1() Make sure there is only one H1 in the entire website.
assertAllImagesHaveAltText() Make sure all images have an alt="..."
Suggest your own! These assertions can help devs to follow the best SEO practices. Make a PR if you think some are missing!


When it comes to SEO, a snapshot test is a great way to ensure nothing has been changed by accident.

Here is an example:

$seo = new TestSEO($response->getContent(), snapshotSerializer: null);

$json = json_encode($seo);

By default, the SEO tags are serialized using the SimpleSerializer. Make your own serializer by implementing the SnapshotSerializer interface:

$seo = new TestSEO($response->getContent(), new MyCustomSerializer());

$json = json_encode($seo);

Pest Example

use function Spatie\Snapshots\{assertMatchesSnapshot, assertMatchesJsonSnapshot};
use Juampi92\TestSEO\TestSEO;

test('landing page SEO', function () {
    $response = $this->get('/');


    $seo = new TestSEO($response->getContent());


Note: this example requires spatie/pest-plugin-snapshots.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.