
Flutter friendly implementation of BIP350

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


An implementation of the BIP350 spec for Segwit Bech32m address format, adapted to work with the Chia Blockchain and other PoST blockchains.

This is a fork of @haarts/bech32


The specification defines a myriad of cases in which decoding and encoding should fail. Please make sure your code catches all the relevant exception defined in lib/exceptions.dart.


Add it to your pubspec.yaml:

  bech32m: any

Licence overview

All files in this repository fall under the license specified in COPYING. The project is licensed as AGPL with a lesser clause. It may be used within a proprietary project, but the core library and any changes to it must be published online. Source code for this library must always remain free for everybody to access.
