Simple Go Program for Gas Station Discovery and Information Upload using Google Places API


  1. Region Subdivision: The program first divides the region into smaller squares based on a user-defined "differential" parameter (measured in radians). Each square is represented by two points: its starting point and the diagonal endpoint.
  2. Gas Station Discovery: The program queries for gas stations within each subregion and stores their IDs. The "differential" parameter significantly affects the number of queries required, making its selection crucial.
  3. ID Persistence: All discovered gas station IDs are saved to the "discoveredPlaces.csv" file. This allows for resuming the process later, even if interrupted by the user.
  4. Detailed Information Acquisition: Once all IDs are identified, the program retrieves detailed information about each gas station using the Places API details query.
  5. Data Upload: Finally, the program uploads the gathered gas station information to a MongoDB database, making it readily accessible for map services.

Running the Program:

go run *.go [--flags]

For a list of available flags and their default values, use:

go run *.go --help

Available Flags:

  • --discover: Controls entry into the gas station discovery phase (default: true)
  • --details: Controls entry into the detailed information acquisition phase (default: true)
  • --lastIndex: Defines the index to continue processing from (useful for resuming after interruption) (default: 0)
  • --differential: Sets the differential value used for region subdivision (default: defined in constants.go)