- Clone this repo
- Install PostgreSQL in case you don't have it
and make sure all tests passrails s
- You can now try your REST services!
- Set your FRONTEND_URL env
- Set your mail sender in
- Config your timezone accordingly in
This base has some generators to help you get started faster:
bin/rails g address
to generate an address model (be sure to check out the generated spec/factories/addresses.rb, and modify the addressable field)bin/rails g heroku
to generate a heroku configurationbin/rails g sentry
to generate a sentry configuration (be sure to set the SENTRY_DSN env variable)
This base uses Github Actions by default as the CI tool.
There's no need to setup anything, just push your code and it will run the tests.
Kamal is a tool that helps you to deploy in any bare server, like the ones provided by aws, gcp, digital ocean, etc. It uses docker + traefik + letsencrypt to provide a secure and easy to use environment.
# update linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
# install and setup docker
sudo apt install -y docker.io curl git
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu # change `ubuntu` to the username provided by your cloud provider
# Create directories + files necessary for traefik + letsencrypt management
sudo mkdir /letsencrypt
sudo touch /letsencrypt/acme.json
sudo chmod 600 /letsencrypt/acme.json
important: Make sure http and https ports are open.
You need to have a domain name and point it to your server IP.
The server IP must be configured in /config/deploy.yml
and /config/deploy.staging.yml
So, access to your DNS manager, and create an A record pointing to your server IP.
There's no need to setup SSL certificates, traefik will do it for you.
You need to have a container registry to push your images. You can use AWS ECR.
You need to setup the secret manager in AWS, and add the following secrets:
There are 2 secret groups, one for staging
and one for production
The secrets are the same, but the values are different.
By default the secret groups names are:
If you want to use different names, you can change them in .env.erb
and .env.staging.erb
The secrets are:
(the server IP to deploy to)JWT_SECRET
(the secret used to sign JWT tokens)- You can generate one with
bin/rails runner "puts SecureRandom.hex(32)"
- You can generate one with
(the frontend url)MAILER_SENDER
(the email sender, e.g.info@rails-api.com
(the database url, e.g.postgresql://user:password@somehost:5432/dbname
(the redis url, e.g.redis://user:password@somehost:6379/0
(the s3 access key id)S3_ACCESS_KEY
(the s3 access key)S3_REGION
(the s3 region)S3_BUCKET
(the s3 bucket)SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD
(the sidekiq password)SIDEKIQ_REDIS_URL
(the sidekiq redis url. This can be the same as theREDIS_URL
Create a new VM in your cloud provider, and run:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
# install and setup docker
sudo apt install -y docker.io curl git
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu # change `ubuntu` to the username provided by your cloud provider
Then change config/deploy.yml
and config/deploy.staging.yml
to build in that VM IP.
gem install kamal
brew install docker
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2.pkg" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
aws configure # enter your credentials
ssh-add /path/to/your/key.pem
Add to your .env
kamal envify -d staging
kamal deploy -d staging
kamal envify
kamal deploy
The repository has a generator that creates all the necessary files for deploying into heroku. Just run:
bin/rails g heroku --app-name=<your-heroku-app-name>
The cost of deploying this to heroku is 18 USD/month.
app.json with the following configuration:
- The app name:
- The app description:
A minimal ruby on rails api
- Add-ons:
- Heroku Postgres (mini, 5 USD/month)
- Heroku Redis (mini, 3 USD/month)
- Papertrail (choklad, 0 USD/month)
- Dynos:
- web
- command:
bin/rails s -p $PORT:-3000 -e $RAILS_ENV:-development
- size:
(5 USD/month)
- command:
- worker
- command:
bin/sidekiq -e $RAILS_ENV:-development
- size:
(5 USD/month)
- command:
- web
- Buildpacks:
- Apt (uses the file
to install native packages) - heroku/ruby (ruby)
- Apt (uses the file
- The app name:
Procfile with the following configuration:
- web:
bin/rails s -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RAILS_ENV:-development}
- worker:
bin/sidekiq -e ${RAILS_ENV:-development}
- release: release.sh
- web:
Aptfile (used by apt buildpack) with the following packages:
- libvips-dev
- libvips-tools
- libvips42
- libglib2.0-0
- libglib2.0-dev
- libjpeg-turbo8-dev
- libpng-dev
- libtiff-dev
- giflib-tools
- libwebp-dev
- libpoppler-dev
Because of stability issues, continuous deployment with kamal when merging a PR is not recommended.
There's a Github Actions workflow which is triggered by Manual Dispatch and it will deploy to staging/production with the selected branch.
Head over to repository -> actions -> secrets and add the following secrets:
(only if you have a remote docker image builder)DOCKER_REMOTE_BUILDER_PRIVATE_KEY
(only if you have a remote docker image builder)SSH_STAGING_PRIVATE_KEY
(the private key to connect to your staging server)AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
(the aws access key id to connect to your staging server)AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
(the aws secret access key to connect to your staging server)AWS_REGION
(the aws region to connect to your staging server)AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
(the aws account id where the ECR docker image is hosted)
(only if you have a remote docker image builder)DOCKER_REMOTE_BUILDER_PRIVATE_KEY
(only if you have a remote docker image builder)SSH_PRODUCTION_PRIVATE_KEY
(the private key to connect to your production server)AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
(the aws access key id to connect to your production server)AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
(the aws secret access key to connect to your production server)AWS_REGION
(the aws region to connect to your production server)AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
(the aws account id where the ECR docker image is hosted)
Go to Heroku and setup the app to auto-deploy from the main
branch, and make sure to enable the option Wait for CI to pass before deploy
rails_api is maintained by GoGrow with the help of our contributors.