TAF Demo
TAF stands for Test Automation Framework. It is used for automating end-to-end UI and API tests of a SW (Software) solution. This README will walkthrough TAF-demo deployment and execution.
Please note this is only a reference implementation.
TAF contains the Test code for the demo. It references edgex-taf-Common->TUC(Test Utility Catalog) for common utilities.
requirements.txt contains the list of all the libraries used by the project
updateme.sh is a script that automates the installation of the prerequisites.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:edgexfoundry/edgex-taf.git
Install Pre-requisites
cd edgex-taf
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
sudo ./updateme.sh
Execute TAF
python3 edgex-taf-common/TAF-Manager/trigger/run.py -u '*' -p device-virtual
Open the Test Reports
Open the test reports in the browser. For example, to open the virtual device service certification report, enter the following URL in the browser: