Local development environment

We use Docker in order to be able to develop in a local environment. We've chosen it because it's the only tool that allows to build an environment with different PHP versions without consuming too much resources.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting started
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Setting up sites
  4. Development Infrastructure Graph

Getting started

  • Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:juanBL/makespace_castellar_docker.git devops/
  • Install Docker. Note for MacOS: Do not be confused with the deprecated "Docker toolbox" package. It was a previous approach with less performance than the "Docker for Mac".
  • Start your "Docker" app
  • Move to the docker directory: cd devops/docker
  • Copy the volume_mappings.yml.dist to volume_mappings.yml and replace the %YOUR_PROJECTS_PATH% string with your own path
  • Create the mapped folders in case you don't already have them (for instance: mkdir %YOUR_PROJECTS_PATH%/makespace_castellar_database. Check section in order to setting up all repositories)
  • Move to the devops directory: cd ..
  • Build containers: docker-compose build
  • Start containers in detached mode:: docker-compose up -d

Day to day work

  • Stop containers: docker-compose stop
  • Start containers: docker-compose start

Update containers definition

  • Stop containers: docker-compose stop
  • Build the containers: docker-compose build (if you don't want to use cache, remember that you have the --no-cache flag available for this command)
  • Create and start containers in detached mode: docker-compose up -d

Common tasks

  • List running containers: docker-compose ps (if you want to show all containers, remember that you have the -a flag available for this command)
  • Open an interactive bash terminal inside a container: docker-compose exec <service_name> bash



  • List running containers: docker ps
  • Show container logs: docker-compose logs makespace_castellar_database
  • Start a container from a specific Dockerfile:
    • Move to the Dockerfile directory
    • Build: docker-compose build <service_name>" .
    • Run: docker-compose up -d <service_name>

Debugging network

  • List all Docker networks: docker network ls
  • Inspect the details of a specific network: docker network inspect devops_main
  • In order to check which is the IP of your host from the point of view of a container: docker network inspect devops_main |grep Gateway

Cleaning up

  • Stop and delete all containers: docker-compose down
  • Delete all images: docker rmi $(docker images -aq)
  • Remove all data from stopped containers: docker system prune -a
  • Remove all networks: docker network prune

Setting up sites
