GUI of a simulink model. From this GUI be able to directly: - start/stop a simulation - change variables values used anyware (simulink blocks or plain script of Matlab) through slide - plot any scope of that simulink,. i.e. any: - scope - input - bus - plot multiple scopes from multiple simulations with their respectives variable values in legend - custome plot start-end and time-span - custome simulation start-end - custome linestyle *********************************************************** Example See SimulinkGIU_01_simulinkModel_08_resault_01_01. Varaibles: - C capacitance of condensator - ..._freq AC current frequency - ..._peak AC current module *********************************************************** Problem to solve: Quicly to simulate Simulinks with multiple variables to optimize.
Didactic. Create a GUI to optimaze simulinks simulations: multiple variable change, multiple scopes, etc.