
A JavaFX+Hibernate template for the Software Engineering class

Primary LanguageJava

A template for creating Hibernate+JavaFX+H2+JUnit projects

A JavaFX+Hibernate+H2+JUnit template for the Software Engineering class of the Faculty of Computer Science of Donostia.

  • First, you need to create some Java POJO entities in the domain folder

  • Then, you can map those entities to an H2 database:

    • In the hibernate.cfg.xml file, edit this line:

         <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</property>

      Change the value to "create" to create the database from scratch, or "update" to update the database with the new entities.

    • In the hibernate.cfg.xml file, edit this line:

         <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:h2:~/database</property>

      Change the value to the path where you want to store the database. In this case, the database will be stored in the home folder of the user.

  • Rename the package (from eus.ehu.template to eus.ehu.XXXXX where XXXX is your package name)

  • Rename the module (from template to XXXXX where XXXX is your module name)

  • You may need to change the controller path in the hello-view.fxml file

  • Remember that, by default, the open mode of the db is initialize (this property is set in the config.properties file. Change it to update if you want to keep the data between executions