
Udacity project for Data Engineer nanodegree.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project: Data Modeling with Postgres


This project creates a data mart (star schema) in PostgreSQL for analytics. The input data is given by json files stored at /data folder and a ETL process reads those files to load the data into a PostgreSQL database.

This schema has a fact table:

  • songplays

And the following dimension tables:

  • users
  • songs
  • artists
  • time

Entity-relationship diagram

File description

In this section the input data structure is described.

Song data files

The data files about songs are stored at data/song_data folder. Each file is a collection of songs splitted in json objects. Example:

    "num_songs": 1,
    "artist_id": "ARD7TVE1187B99BFB1",
    "artist_latitude": null,
    "artist_longitude": null,
    "artist_location": "California - LA",
    "artist_name": "Casual",
    "song_id": "SOMZWCG12A8C13C480",
    "title": "I Didn't Mean To",
    "duration": 218.93179,
    "year": 0

Log data files

This is an example of a log file. This file is generated when a user plays a song in the music application.

    "artist":"Sydney Youngblood",
    "auth":"Logged In",
    "location":"Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL",
    "song":"Ain't No Sunshine",
    "userAgent":"\"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit\/537.78.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/7.0.6 Safari\/537.78.2\"",

Run the project

First, we have to create the tables. There is a python script called create_tables.py that executes all queries in sql_queries.py. Execute the following command:

python create_tables.py

Then, there is another python script etl.py that reads all files from data/log_data and data/song_data folders and insert into the proper table.

python etl.py


Artists table

Artists table example

Songs table

Songs table example

Users table

Users table example

Time table

Time table example

Songplays table

Songplays table example