
Primary LanguageJavaScript

SSE Zero[M]Q PoC

This is a minimal repro case about what it would be to implement Server-sent events with basic token authentication.

This is a vanilla http server using Node.js. No frameworks, no nothing.

This server is quite simple, it has 3 endpoints and it responds to stdin as well.

The /stream endpoint

The /stream endpoint will stablish the connection with our SSE server and will subscribe from events (Tickets) based on the provided token, each client should provide the auth token via url, like: /stream?token=MySafeToken

For this poc, the list of tokens are foo, bar and baz. If the client provides the token foo it will be subscribed to the TicketFoo entity, for tokens bar and baz, the client will listen to TicketFoo and TicketMaster entities.

The /emit-foo endpoint

Each time a client reach this endpoint, it will trigger a changes event in the TicketFoo entity (the response of this endpoint is irrelevant)

The /emit-bar endpoint

Each time a client reach this endpoint, it will trigger a changes event in the TicketFoo and the TicketMaster entity (the response of this endpoint is irrelevant)

How to run this?

Start the server with node index.js to start the server. That's it.

For start consuming this server with a client, you could seee the client.js file in this project and copy/paste it in your browser's console.

Or use curl (like this):

$ curl http://localhost:3000/stream\?token\=bar (to consume events by TicketFoo and TicketMaster entities).

$ curl http://localhost:3000/stream\?token\=foo (to consume events by TicketFoo entity).

To emit just one event, go to the Node.js server, and type foo for emmit an event in TicketFoo and type bar for emit in TicketFoo and TicketMaster. Remember to hit enter to send that to the Node.js stdin.

This needs to be load-tested simple, $ npx autocannon -a 10000 will trigger 10k events in TicketFoo and TicketMaster

