This is a classic version of minesweeper created with create-react-app. You can select between 3 pre-defined levels. In order to win you should flag over all tiles that you think contain mine, to do this simple right click over a tile or - if mobile - hold a tile. To reveal tiles that you think dont contain mines, simple click over it or tap on it. Once finished you can opt to save your progress. You can also check how you did on previous games on the Finished games section. Board setup and Game Setup pages are still under construction.
You can clone this repo and on your CLI run npm install && npm start on your project directory and the project will run at your browser's localhost:3000 port or you can also access to see it running online.
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- This project uses npm's PropType for props validation PropType
- This project uses momentJs for parsing Dates MomentJs
- This project uses CSS modules CSS modules on github
- Juan Giacosa
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Thanks to santex for letting me do this and taking the time to answer my questions