
NodeJs plugin to generate PDF from HTML template using Vuejs and puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pdf-Generator (html-pdf-generator on NPM)

NPM version Downloads

A NodeJs plugin to generate PDF from HTML template using Puppeteer and Vue.js.

See postman collection for more example,

If you need more functionality in your HTML template you can add the VueJs mixin in the global window.mixins array to extend default functionality. See the file mixin.js for more example.

Table of contents


NPM Module

npm i html-pdf-generator

Usage Example


const pdfProcessor = require("html-pdf-generator");

const {
    PORT = 3000,
} = process.env;

let pdfGenerator = pdfProcessor.pdfGeneratorInstance({
    libs: [/*VueJs mixin files*/],

Use process.env if you passed the environment variables using node command. I recommend use a .env file and the package dotenv.

libs property in the Options object pass to pdfGeneratorInstance function is optional, is a list of VueJs mixin modules o components to be injected into the template. Can be pass it a VueJs library url by default is use this https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue See pdfMergerDelegator info in PDF Merger Delegator.

Generate PDF in memory

const templateData = {
    $templateName: "template name",
    $parameters: {},
    $extraParams: {}
// Indicate the pdf file is created in memory 
templateData.$extraParams.preview: true;
// Indicate if the result is or not HTML
templateData.$extraParams.previewHTML: false;

    .then(processed => {
        /*You code here*/

Generate HTML in memory

const templateData = {
    $templateName: "template name",
    $parameters: {},
    $extraParams: {}
// Indicate the pdf file is created in memory 
templateData.$extraParams.preview: true;
// Indicate if the result is or not HTML
templateData.$extraParams.previewHTML: true;

    .then(processed => {
        /*You code here*/

Different headers/footers

To use different headers and footers in the PDF pages generated. Have to pass the property customPagesHeaderFooter passing the array of string with the page where the header/footer must to be added.

    "$templateName": ,
    "$parameters": {},
    "$extraParams": {
        "customPagesHeaderFooter" : [

The pages in the array can be number as it generated on the browser or name

  • first --> Document page #1.
  • penult --> Previous to last document page.
  • last --> Last document page.
  • 1-3 --> Rage of pages, starting from page 1 to page 3.
  • 2-penult --> Rage of pages, starting from page 2 to previous to last page.

For each page ranges in the array customPagesHeaderFooter in the template have to be a element with the id='page-header-{page-range}' or id='page-footer-{page-range}' is important that the element is hidden.

        <label>I'm in the header from 2 to penult page</label>
        #header-page-2-penult {
            padding: 2.1em 2cm;
            margin-top: -.4cm;
            display: flex; 
            align-items: center; 
            width: 100%;
            justify-content: flex-end;
            background-color: violet;
            color: #fff;
            font-size: 12px;

        #header-page-2-penult > div {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: column;
            justify-content: flex-end;
            text-align: right;

As VueJs remove the css style tag by default, the element v-style is include in the library. v-style let you include the css to the header/footer.


VueJs component are valid.

Vue.component('test-component', {
  props: ["prop1"],
  template: '<label>I am a component {{prop1}}</label>'

All the components must to be in separated file and reference it on the libs property.

PDF Merger Delegator

The PDF delegator is a helper that satisfy the interface

    getPdfTotalPages: (pdfBuffer: Buffer) => Promise<number>;
    merge: (pdfList: Array<Buffer>) => Promise<Buffer>;
  • getPdfTotalPages function to get the total pages of the generated pdf
  • merge function to merge all pages generated by the Different headers/footers

The delegator is implemented using a library that can manipulate pdf. Like pdf-lib or other.

See pdf delegator of the demo.

Why a delegator? due to the limitation of using Puppeteer to generate pdf with different header or footer as an only file is necessary a third library to merge the pdf generated with different headers and footers. Too right now is not possible to get the total pages of the document with Puppeteer.



The options param is an object with the properties to config puppeteer, set the printing margin of the PDF and setting the JavaScript files to be loaded automatically into the template. See .env file in the demo app:

interface Options {
    URL_BROWSER: string; // <DirToExecuteChromeOrFirefox> - Browser executable full path
    FILE_DIR: string; // <TemporalHTMLFileDir> - Where to save temporary files
    PDF_DIR: string; // <TemporalPDFFileDir> - Where to save the pdf generated
    TEMPLATE_DIR: string; // <TemplateDir> - Where the VueJs/HTML templates live
    BROWSER_NAME?: string; // chrome|firefox - default chrome
    PORT: number; // Port used in NodeJs service
    printingMarginTop?: string | number; // default 2.54cm
    printingMarginBottom?: string | number; // default 2.54cm
    printingMarginLeft?: string | number; // default 2.54cm
    printingMarginRight?: string | number; // default 2.54cm
    libs: Array<string> // List of js files used on the templates
    pdfMergerDelegator?: PdfMergerDelegator; // Object to merge the different pdf create with distinct header/footer and get the total page.
interface PdfMergerDelegator {
    getPdfTotalPages: (pdfBuffer: Buffer) => Promise<number>;
    merge: (pdfList: Array<Buffer>) => Promise<Buffer>;

interface TemplateData {
    $templateName: string,
    $parameters: {[key:string]: any}, 
    $extraParams: {[key:string]: any}

interface PDFGeneratorResult {
    fileName: string;
    buffer: Buffer | Array<Buffer>;
    templateType: 'application/pdf' | 'text/html' | 'array/pdf';

interface PdfGenerator {
     * Process the VueJs template to generate PDF
     * @param ParamData
     * @returns Promise<PDFGeneratorResult>
    processTemplate: (data: ParamData) => Promise<PDFGeneratorResult>;
     * Dispose the puppeteer instance
    dispose: () => Promise<void>;


 * Create a PDF Generator instance
 * @param Options
 * @returns PdfGenerator
function pdfGeneratorInstance(options: Options) => PdfGenerator; 

 * Real all the params found in a HTML template 
 * with the Vue.js template syntax.
 * @param string templateName
 * @returns Promise<{[key: string]: any}>
function getTemplateParameters(templateName: string): Promise<{[key: string]: any}>;