
:warning: proof of concept to improve python ergonomics for shell scripting

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python for shell scripting

⚠️ This is totally experimental, fully broken. Do not use yet!

Build Status


  • Syntax is standard Python (full IDE support)
  • Ergonomic (pipes, redirections, autoexpr, paths, ...)
  • Sensible defaults (i.e. docopt, env defaults, logging, ...)
  • Strong support for paralelism
  • Biased towards unix scripting (barebones windows support)
  • Wrappers for common commands (cat, head, xargs, ...)
  • No support for interactive mode!


  • Python 3.6 (at least while prototyping)


NOTE: See https://blog.elishalom.com/2015/07/25/rewrite-python-methods-body/ for how to use inspect/ast/compile for the transformation.

In cat('foo.txt') | head[-10], a normal Python interpreter would call cat, get a slice from head and excute the __or__ of the resulting values. That's totally fine but on a shell script we want to build a composite command and execute it. There are a number of ways to solve it:

# Overload the __call__ operator
( cat('foo.txt') | head[-10] )()
# Overload some fancy operator like Plumbum does
cat('foo.txt') | head[-10] & FG

However that feels totally unnatural when doing a shell script. Unfortunately there is no way in Python to detect a statement at runtime, although it's possible to do so when parsing the source code. On the bright side it's fairly easy to parse Python code and modify it just using the stdlib.

So when a file is executed with #!/usr/bin/env pysh it'll actually parse the source and perform that optimization. The process is a simple transform where for each expression statement in the module scope (ignoring function bodies) a wrapper is injected like so:

pysh.autoexpr( cat('foo.txt') | head[-10] )

Now that the expression statements are annotated we have a hook at runtime, the autoexpr function, which can inspect the expression result and run it if it's some sort of command.

Execution flow

Each command in an expression is launched as a child process (popen) or a thread if the command is implemented in Python. Then it waits until all of them complete.

While the programs are executed we need to manage the streams, since otherwise the programs could block. There is a configurable buffer for each pipe, so we don't block too much if both programs run at an approximate rate. Otherwise, when the buffer fill up the producing program is blocked until there is room for more.

For a subprocess the blocking is delegated to the OS, we just stop reading from its stream. In the case of python functions we have to handle it ourselves, since streams are modelled as generators we just stop consuming from it.

In the case of parallel we just have to spawn an executioner for each worker we want to use. Each executioner will then run normally, and the whole synchronization gets delegated to the stream processing mechanism.

The GIL might affect the operation for python-commands, the external commands run on its own process so are not affected. It might be interesting to benchmark a bit to see if perhaps it's worth it to launch python commands on a subprocess instead of a thread.

TODO: signals

Command wrappers

Each command wrapper returns a generator, that allows pysh to coordinate the execution by polling from it when required, enabling the efficient use of stream pipes and easing composition.

By default any exitcode different to 0 results in an exception, although this can be suppressed for a specific command or with a context manager.

cat('/dev/null') | grep('foo').catch(1)
print('') | ~grep('foo')  # ~ suppresses all errors

with catch(1):
    echo('bar') | grep('foo')

with redirect(stderr=null):

with redirect(stderr=stdout), catch(1, 3):

with tty():  #redirect(tty=True) ?

Fine tuning the execution, the command can be configured inside a context manager, the actual execution will happen upon exiting it.

with ~cat('fname.txt') as p:
    p.stderr >> 'errors.log'  #TODO: >> has higher precedence than |!!
    p | head['-10'] > 'results.csv'



if exitcode(stdin | grep['foo']) > 0:
    print('foo was not found')

if (code := exitcode(stdin | grep['foo'])) > 0:
    print('result was {}'.format(code))

code = int(stdin | grep['foo'])  # __int__ resolves and returns exitcode

if bool(stdin | grep['foo']):  # __bool__ resolves and returns exitcode 0->True
    echo('not found)

stdin | grep['foo'] and echo('found') or exit(1, 'not found!')
stdin | grep['foo'].and_then( echo('found') ).or_else( exit(1, 'not found!') )
stdin | grep['foo'].map_status({
    0: echo('found'),
    '1..4': echo('error'),
    _: exit(1, 'not found!')
stdin | grep['foo'].map_status(
    _0 = echo('found'),
    _1_4 = echo('error'),
    _ = exit(1, 'not found!')
stdin | grep['foo'].catch(
    _1 = echo('found'),
    _1_4 = echo('error'),
    _ = exit(1, 'not found!')

stdin | pipe_map(str.upper)
stdin | pipe_map(str.upper, split='16K')
stdin | pipe_filter(...)
stdin | pipe_reduce(...)

stdin | pipe.words.map(str.upper).filter(str.isalpha)
# read content and extract words, upper them and retain the alpha ones
stdin | pipe.split('-')...
stdin | pipe.split(re='[,;/]')  # or .resplit
stdin | pipe.match(r'[A-Z]+')

['foo', 'bar'] | stdout  # 'foo\nbar\n' -- by default each item is a line
(json.dumps(x) for x in objects) | cat > 'output.jsonl'
cat('output.jsonl') | pipe.lines.map(json.load).map(modify).jsonl()
jsonl = lambda transform: pipe.lines.map(json.load).map(transform).jsonl()
cat('output.jsonl') | jsonl(modify) > _/'final.jsonl'

Sometimes we want to work with the whole data instead of streaming it:

# casting a command to a string automatically executes and consumes it
data = str( cat(fname) )  # unicode() on Py2 -- .to_text()

# work with binary data
bindata = bytes(cat(binfile))  # .to_binary()

# collect into a list
lines = list(cat(fname))

# functional
cat(fname).collect(stdout=lambda s: print(len(s)))
errors = cat(fname).collect(stderr=True)

To define new commands:

cat = Command('cat')   # will search $PATH for a binary
winzip = Command('c:/extra/winzip.exe', hyphenate=False)  # disables my_opt to my-opt

Rules for command invokation:

  • command is searched on the path for each invokation
  • single char params get a - prefix (shortpre): ls(a=True) -> ls -a
  • single char params are not grouped: ls(a=True, l=True) -> ls -a -l
  • False params are ignored unless falsepre is defined (i.e falsepre='--no-')
  • multi char params get a -- prefix unless longpre is defined (i.e longpre='/')
  • snake_case params get hyphenated unless hyphenate is false
  • named params always go before positional ones
  • when argspre is set it's used before positional (i.e argspre='--')
  • params get values with a space unless valuepre=':'
  • iterables (i.e globs) get automatically expanded, repeating named param if applies
  • slice args respect their position
  • slice args are parsed and splited if required (whitespace, escape with \)
  • call and slice can appear multiple times
ls('foo', 'bar')  # ls foo bar
grep(e=['foo','bar'])  # grep -e foo -e bar
jq('.', compact_output=True)  # jq --compact-output=True
git['diff']('foo', 'bar', no_index=True)  # git diff --no-index -- foo bar
git('diff')(no_index=True)['foo', 'bar']    # git diff --no-index foo bar
find['.'](depth=2)  # find . -depth 2
find['/ -newer ttt -print']  # find / -newer ttt -print

pysh should offer a helpful set of core utilities, some implemented natively in Python. Popular commands should be available in a coreutils module. More specific ones might be available in an extras module. It's still unclear if commands offered by pysh should try to normalize differences across platforms (bsd vs linux vs osx), in principle this would be really nice but not sure if will work properly.


Sometimes we might want to implement some logic in Python instead of using an external command. However we don't want to special case that functionality, it should behave exactly as a command.

def filter_empty():
    cat | grep['-v', '-e', '^$']

The script decorator takes care of wiring the function execution with the input/ouput streams, as if it was an external command. If we however want to have finer control over the process we can also do so:

def filter_empty(p):
    for line in p.stdin.lines():
        if line.strip() == '':
        print(line) >> p.stdout


In the era of multicore computing we need to enable those cores on our shell scripts too:

cat('file.txt') | demux( grep('foo') )
range(4) | demux(lambda: time.sleep(5.0))

for i in range(100):
    fork <= echo(i)               # bound to the number of cores
    fork(jobs=4) <= echo(i)       # 4 at a time

# bound to number of cores
with fork as ff:
    for ln in stdin:
        echo(ln) ^ ff
    # waits before continuing

# run commands in parallel but iterate sequentially
for p in stdin | demux(sleep(randint(10))):

GNU's parallel is a beast with a ton of functionality. Our parallel is much simpler.


Streams are another important abstraction on shell scripts. Commands can consume a stdin stream and produce values on the stdout and stderr ones. In pysh those streams are generators, whose yielded values are always casted to strings, this allows to easily integrate with externals commands.

When piping the job scheduler may block some streams if they fill up the internal buffer, we can have tighter control for the buffering:

cat(fname) | buffer('4kb') | wc[-l]       # chunks of 4kb
cat(fname) | buffer(kb=256) | wc[-l]      # chunks of 256kb
cat(fname) | buffer(lines=True) | wc[-l]  # buffer until a newline
cat(fname) | unbuffer( wc['-l'] )         #

Process substitution for instance can be implemented as:

# wc -l <(curl "google.com")
wc['-l'](curl("google.com") | psub)

TODO: Check fish-shell/fish-shell#1040 for nifty details of the problems of implenting process substitution.

Redirect shortcuts:

cat | wc['-l']  # send stdout from cat to stdin for wc
# cat.pipe(stdout=wc['-l'])
cat | +wc['-l'] > outerr.log   # +<cmd> merges stderr into stdout
# cat.pipe(wc['-l'].pipe(stderr=stdout))
cat | -wc['-l']                # -<cmd> dismisses stderr
# cat.pipe(wc['-l'].pipe(stderr=null))
cat | --wc['-l']               # --<cmd> dismisses stdout and stderr
# cat.pipe(wc['-l'].pipe(stdout=null, stderr=null))

sh shortcut

sh allows to call external commands without defining them previously.

sh.grep(fname, e=['foo', 'bar'])
sh['pip3.6'] ('freeze')

note that this launches the command via the system shell, so it allows to use operators on it:

    cat | grep -e foo > file.out
    wc -l file.out | cut -f1
''']  # no variable interpolation

local = 10
sh << r'''
    echo $local
'''  # variable interpolation


For some use cases a path can simply be a string:

cat > 'output.txt'

Paths can be constructed safely:

  • /: handles right string as path
  • //: parses right string as glob
_ / 'escaped?'  # ./escaped\?
_['~'] / 'foo bar'      # ~/foo\ bar
_['/'] / 'abs/nested' / '*.jpg'   # /abs/nested/\*.jpg
_['c'] // 'windows/*.dll'  # c:\windows\*.dll

Globs compose:

_ // '*' / '.git' // '{hooks,info,objects}' // '*'
_ // '*' / '.git' // ('hooks','info','objects') // '*'
_ // lambda path: path[-1].startswith('x-') // '*.jpg'

allowing functions in segments might break some use cases that require casting to strings. Perhaps they are not worth it.


_('/foo/bar')[-1]  # /foo

TODO: Should paths implement | defaulting to cat?

_/'file.txt' | head
cat('./file.txt') | head

ls[ _ * '*.jpg' ]


The docblock of the script is automatically parsed with docopt in order to simplify the handling of script parameters.

#!/usr/bin/env pysh
My script.

Usage: my_script [options] <host> <port>

  --all         List everything.
  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.

if args['--version']:

print('Endpoint: {}:{}'.format(args['<host>'], args['<port>']))

If no docopt is provided then the args will contain a generic parsing of the opts following modern conventions.

# -aab --foo=foo -- arg1 arg2
{'-a':[True, True], '-b':[True], '--foo':['foo'], '*': ['arg1', 'arg2']}

Moreover, argv is also available and behaves as expected in normal scripts.

Some interesting features worth investigating:

  • - means stdin/stdout (but how to know which one?)
  • read arguments from --@opts.txt and data from @somefile.txt
  • standarized isatty overrides from env or args (--pysh:tty=yes)
  • multi command mode a la git: cmd sub -> cmd-sub
  • bash/zsh/fish autocompletions
  • --pysh:xxx options for pysh itself (i.e logging)
  • apply templating to docopt to insert program name, version, etc.

The @pysh.main decorator marks a function to be executed when that script is run. This means that the script can run with plain Python and pysh will analyze the function as if it was the script, extracting the docopt from it or using its parameters to build an automatic arguments parsing.

@pysh.main()  # keyword ``docopt=__doc__`` to override
def main(src:Path, *files, *, plugins=[], verbose=False, *kwargs):
    """ Parses the given files and do cool stuff.

# alternatively:
if __name__ == '__main__':


Simple progress bar helper (determinate and undeterminate). Reference https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm

Rate limiter filter (bytes/lines).

noblock(stream: IOBase) helper that patches a IO based stream so that it operates in a pseudo non-blocking mode. Underneth it spaws a thread to do the blocking operations using a Queue for synchronization. All methods are patched to be non-blocking and also to accept a timeout=seconds keyword.


Most shells will parse shebangs as a command with an optional argument, even if multiple arguments are provided they are bundled into a single one. For instance #!/usr/bin/env pysh --trace will execute as env "pysh --trace".

We can define additional options by having an extra line:

#!/usr/bin/env pysh
#pysh: --trace

Which is equivalent to #!/usr/bin/env -S pysh --trace on supported systems.

pysh will check the comments at the top of the file looking for the pysh: ... pattern. If it's found then the options will be parsed and applied for that script.


It might be interesting to optionally allow typical shell syntax for some use cases where we don't actually need composition. It would help for instance when porting simple bash scripts.

These are some examples of the transformations:

! cat -u | grep -e foo > output.txt
# cat('-u') | grep('-e', 'foo') > 'output.txt'

result = ! echo foo
# result = echo('foo')

needle = 'foo'
! echo $PATH | grep $needle  # uppercase are envs, otherwise locals
# echo(env['PATH']) | grep(needle)

! echo foo \
       bar \
# echo('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

Additionally a !! can be used to defer the execution into a subshell, in that mode pipes and redirections are not handled by pysh but by the default $SHELL:

needle = !! echo foo
!! echo $PATH | grep $needle
# pysh.bangbang('echo $PATH | grep $needle', vars={'PATH': env['PATH'], 'needle': needle})
# env needle=foo "$SHELL" -c 'echo $PATH | grep $needle'

the parser will look for $<ident> and ${expr} patterns (bash syntax) and make their values available as environment variables.

These expressions are not automatically evaluated, the evaluation relies on the autoexpr pass like the normal DSL.

Probably this feature should be gated under a pysh --bangexpr option

Eval mode

pysh -e 'random.randint(1, 9)'

The eval mode is useful for one liners, mainly to use on interactive shells. It's similar to python -c but with the following twists:

  • identifers fallback to automatically try to import a package.
  • last expression is automatically printed to stdout unless it's None.
  • when last expression is a boolean True exits with 0 and False with 1.
  • perhaps: support $env interpolation


Leverage Python packaging to automatically generate a distributable script.

pysh --pkg my-script.pysh *.py

first argument is the entry point, the rest are importable files

It will generate a temporary package structure with a setup.py configured and run bdist on it to get a distributable.

Dependencies and metadata can be defined on the command line or included as #pysh: comments.