
This service provides the endpoint for rendering the report messages based on the DoT.js templates from content data and report details. For that purpose it uses the implementation of DoT.js framework in Python.

Check the docs folder for more information about this service.

Running the service

The service can be run either locally:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt && pip3 install . && insights-content-template-renderer --config <CONFIG>

Or you can run the service as the Docker container. In that case make sure you have a Docker engine installed and running. Then you can create a Docker image with

docker build -t insights-content-template-renderer .

and create a Docker container via

docker run -d --name renderer -p 8000:8000 insights-content-template-renderer


There is a sample configuration in config.yml. The configuration for stage/prod deployments is overwritten in the clowdapp in a ConfigMap.


As said, the service has the single endpoint:

[POST] /v1/rendered_reports

The service takes JSON data as input in the format

	"content": ... data from content service endpoint /content ...
	"report-data": ... data from aggregator service endpoint /clusters/{clusterIds}/reports ...

And returns the rendered reports.

[GET] /docs

This endpoint is autogenerated by FastAPI. It contains the swagger documentation for this API. Reference.