Aggregator service for insights results
Insights Results Aggregator is a service that provides Insight OCP data (officially called recommendations) that are being consumed by OpenShift Cluster Manager (OCM), Advanced Cluster Manager (ACM), and OCP WebConsole via Insights Operator. That data contain information about clusters status (especially health, security, performance, etc.) and recommendations based on results generated by Insights rules engine. Insights OCP data are consumed from selected broker, stored in a storage (that basically works as a cache) and exposed via REST API endpoints.
Documentation is hosted on Github Pages Sources are located in docs.
clean Run go clean
build Build binary containing service executable
build-cover Build binary with code coverage detection support
fmt Run go fmt -w for all sources
lint Run golint
vet Run go vet. Report likely mistakes in source code
cyclo Run gocyclo
ineffassign Run ineffassign checker
shellcheck Run shellcheck
errcheck Run errcheck
goconst Run goconst checker
gosec Run gosec checker
abcgo Run ABC metrics checker
json-check Check all JSONs for basic syntax
style Run all the formatting related commands (fmt, vet, lint, cyclo) + check shell scripts
run Build the project and executes the binary
test Run the unit tests
cover Generate HTML pages with code coverage
coverage Display code coverage on terminal
integration_tests Run all integration tests
rest_api_tests Run REST API tests
before_commit Checks done before commit
help Show this help screen
function_list List all functions in generated binary file
Behaviour tests for this service are included in Insights Behavioral Spec repository. In order to run these tests, the following steps need to be made:
- clone the Insights Behavioral Spec repository
- go into the cloned subdirectory
- run the
from this subdirectory
List of all test scenarios prepared for this service is available at
Package manifest is available at docs/manifest.txt.