Cypress Basics

Welcome to our first exercise with Cypress.

To get started, execute the following command in your terminal (please ensure that you are in the project's root directory):

npm install

Now, you are ready to write your first automated test!

Navigate to cypress -> e2e -> Inside the it block, you can begin writing your code.


Automate the following acceptance criteria:

  • A user wants to contact Huge by submitting only the required information on this page: Hugeinc Form Push your changes to the master branch in your repository


Here are some useful commands and hints:

  • cy.get('selector').click(): Select an element and click on it.
  • cy.get('selector').type('some word'): Select an element and type text into it.
  • cy.visit(''): Open a URL in the browser.
  • cy.get('selector').should('be.visible'): Select an element and check if it's visible on the screen.
  • cy.get('selector').should('exist'): Select an element and check if it exists in the DOM.

By using these commands in the correct order, you can successfully complete the challenge.