
rails started app, set up with nix

Primary LanguageRuby


Set up

> cd ruby-on-rails-on-nix # enter this directory
> direnv allow # let direnv load the nix environment. go and make some coffee
> bundle config build.sassc --disable-lto # workaround for a weird libsass bug when using nix
> bundle install --path=.bundle # install ruby gems. go and drink that coffee

Running the app

Just run rails s and then visit http://localhost:3000!

All executables you may need (rails, rake, sqlite3, yarn) should already be available in your shell.

Inspecting the DB

This app uses SQLite, which keeps all the database in a single file. The DB used here for development lives in db/development.sqlite3.

You should be able to open that in a database client like TablePlus and inspect the state of the database.

Adding gems to the project

Just add them in the Gemfile and then run bundle!