
A docker image to run a custom server with the latest stable LanguageTool, a style and grammar proofreading software for English, French, German, and a lot of other languages.

Primary LanguageShell


A docker image to run a custom server with the latest stable LanguageTool, a style and grammar proofreading software for English, French, German, and a lot of other languages. You can think of LanguageTool as a software to detect errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, e.g. mixing up there/their, no/now etc. It can also detect some grammar mistakes.

Supported languages are: Arabic, Asturian, Belarusian, Breton, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Ukrainian. Please note that the level of support differs a lot between languages.


LanguageTool can be just run in port 8081 (default) as:

docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8081/tcp juanelas/languagetool --public


LanguageTool can make use of large n-gram data sets to detect errors with words that are often confused, like their and there.

n-grams is currently only available for Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish (plus some data for untested languages).

To add n-grams to your dockerised LanguageTool:

  1. Download the data for the languages you want (~8 GB each!) from https://languagetool.org/download/ngram-data/

  2. Unzip it. Depending on the language downloaded you will have a directory named de, en, es, fr, or nl.

  3. Place the directories of ngrams for every language in a directory called ngrams.

  4. Assuming that ngrams is in your current directory, you can start LanguageTool with n-grams support as:

    docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8081/tcp -v ngrams:/ngrams juanelas/languagetool --public


Alternatively to n-gram you could use the experimental word2vec model by Mikolov et al, which should get similar results than the n-grams approach with just 70 MB per downloaded language.

word2vec is currently only available for English, German, and Portuguese.

  1. Download the data for the languages you want from https://languagetool.org/download/word2vec/

  2. Unzip it. Depending on the language downloaded you will have a directory named de, en, or pt.

  3. Place the directories of word2vec for every language in a directory called word2vec.

  4. Assuming that word2vec is in your current directory, you can start LanguageTool with word2vec support as:

    docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8081/tcp -v word2vec:/word2vec juanelas/languagetool --public

config properties file

Additionally you can tune your server with a Java property file (one key=value entry per line) with values for:

  • mode - LanguageTool or AfterTheDeadline (DEPRECATED) for emulation of After the Deadline output (optional)
  • afterTheDeadlineLanguage - language code like en or en-GB (required if mode is AfterTheDeadline) - DEPRECATED
  • maxTextLength - maximum text length, longer texts will cause an error (optional)
  • maxTextHardLength - maximum text length, applies even to users with a special secret token parameter (optional)
  • secretTokenKey - secret JWT token key, if set by user and valid, maxTextLength can be increased by the user (optional)
  • maxCheckTimeMillis - maximum time in milliseconds allowed per check (optional)
  • maxErrorsPerWordRate - checking will stop with error if there are more rules matches per word (optional)
  • maxSpellingSuggestions - only this many spelling errors will have suggestions for performance reasons (optional, affects Hunspell-based languages only)
  • maxCheckThreads - maximum number of threads working in parallel (optional)
  • cacheSize - size of internal cache in number of sentences (optional, default: 0)
  • requestLimit - maximum number of requests per requestLimitPeriodInSeconds (optional)
  • requestLimitInBytes - maximum aggregated size of requests per requestLimitPeriodInSeconds (optional)
  • timeoutRequestLimit - maximum number of timeout request (optional)
  • requestLimitPeriodInSeconds - time period to which requestLimit and timeoutRequestLimit applies (optional)
  • maxWorkQueueSize - reject request if request queue gets larger than this (optional)
  • warmUp - set to true to warm up server at start, i.e. run a short check with all languages (optional)
  • blockedReferrers - a comma-separated list of HTTP referrers (and Origin headers) that are blocked and will not be served (optional)
  • disabledRuleIds - a comma-separated list of rule ids that are turned off for this server (optional)

If your file is named config.properties, you can pass it to your LanguageTool as:

docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8081/tcp -v config.properties:/config.properties juanelas/languagetool --public