
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



To run a single ImageNet experiment:

  • Activate your environment
  • source scripts/copy_datasets.sh
  • copy_dataset imagenet . 0 (Copy the (full) ImageNet dataset to SLURM_TMPDIR)
  • bash scripts/imagenet.sh

An example of a full command: Read on for more details.

python main.py \
    --model_config=configs/model.py:"model=MNIST_CNN" \
    --data_config=configs/data.py:"data=mnist" \
    --task_config=configs/task.py:"task=feasibility task.pointwise_probability=0.9 task.multiplier_kwargs.restart_on_feasible=False optim.dual_optimizer.shared_kwargs.lr=1e-5" \
    --config.train.total_epochs=20 \
    --metrics_config=configs/metrics.py:classification \
    --resources_config=configs/resources.py:"cluster=debug tasks_per_node=1 use_ddp=False" \

2D linearly separable dataset

python main.py \
    --model_config=configs/model.py:"model=TwoDim_MLP model.init_kwargs.hidden_sizes=(5,) optim.primal_optimizer.name=Adam optim.primal_optimizer.shared_kwargs.lr=7e-1 optim.primal_optimizer.shared_kwargs.weight_decay=0.0" \
    --data_config=configs/data.py:"data=linsep_2d data.dataset_kwargs.train_samples=128 data.dataset_kwargs.val_samples=1000" \
    --task_config=configs/task.py:"task=feasibility task.pointwise_probability=0.99 task.multiplier_kwargs.restart_on_feasible=False optim.dual_optimizer.shared_kwargs.lr=1e-3 task.early_stop_on_feasible=False" \
   --config.train.total_epochs=100 \
    --metrics_config=configs/metrics.py:classification \
    --resources_config=configs/resources.py:"cluster=debug tasks_per_node=1 use_ddp=False" \

Two moons dataset

python main.py \
    --model_config=configs/model.py:"model=TwoDim_MLP model.init_kwargs.hidden_sizes=(50, 50, 50)" \
    --data_config=configs/data.py:"data=two_moons data.dataset_kwargs.train_samples=100 data.dataset_kwargs.val_samples=2000" \
    --task_config=configs/task.py:"task=feasibility task.pointwise_probability=0.9 task.multiplier_kwargs.restart_on_feasible=False" \
    --config.train.total_epochs=1000 \
    --metrics_config=configs/metrics.py:classification \
    --resources_config=configs/resources.py:"cluster=debug tasks_per_node=1 use_ddp=False" \

Note that the parsed text arguments for file-based configs need to point to the "full path" of the configuration item. For example, if you want to change restart_on_feasible in config.task.multiplier_kwargs, you need to use task.multiplier_kwargs.restart_on_feasible=BOOL (and NOT multiplier_kwargs.restart_on_feasible=BOOL).

Cluster Is local? Is SLURM? Is interactive? Is background? Notes
debug ✅ 🚫 ✅ 🚫 For local execution on your machine or on a compute node
local ✅ 🚫 🚫 ✅ This could be locally on your machine or on a compute node
unkillable 🚫 ✅ 🚫 ✅ To run jobs on SLURM unkillable partition
main 🚫 ✅ 🚫 ✅ To run jobs on SLURM main partition
long 🚫 ✅ 🚫 ✅ To run jobs on SLURM long partition
  • Keep in mind that you can run the code from a compute node on SLURM via debug or local.
  • Currently, using multiple GPUs on debug is not supported.
  • But you can use multiple GPUs on local or on a compute node. This job will run in the background (on your node).
  • By default we do NOT use DDP. If you want to use DDP, you must pass use_ddp=True to resources_config. See below.

The string to be passed to resources_config=configs/resources.py:STRING is of the form "cluster=CLUSTER tasks_per_node=INT use_ddp=BOOL". Note that spaces are used as separators. For example, if you want to run on local (your machine or compute node) with 2 GPUs and DDP, you would use:

    --resources_config=configs/resources.py:"cluster=debug tasks_per_node=2 use_ddp=True"

Examples of valid resource configurations:

  • "cluster=debug" # This can be used to debug your code locally or on a compute node
  • "cluster=local tasks_per_node=1 use_ddp=False" # This would only use 1 GPU even if more are available
  • "cluster=local tasks_per_node=2 use_ddp=True"
  • "cluster=unkillable"
  • "cluster=main tasks_per_node=2 use_ddp=True"
  • "cluster=long tasks_per_node=2 use_ddp=True"

Required enviroment variables

We use dotenv to manage environment variables. Please create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following variables:

# Location of the directory containing your datasets

# The directory where the results will be saved

# If you want to use Weights & Biases, add the entity name here

# Directory for Weights & Biases local storage

# Directory for logs created by submitit

Code style

  • This project uses black, isort, and flake8 for enforcing code style. See requirements.txt for version numbers.
  • We use pre-commit hooks to ensure that all code committed respects the code style.
  • After (1) cloning the repo, (2) creating your environment and (3) installing the required packages, you are strongly encouraged to run pre-commit install to set-up pre-commit hooks.

Logging format

Whenever you are using logging inside a module, please remember to use the rich formatting.

Do NOT do this:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DO this instead:

import shared
logger = shared.fetch_main_logger()