
html 2 pdf conversion

Primary LanguageC#


Convert webpages to PDF.

Try it here: https://irisreport-h3hvq4dmnq-nw.a.run.app/

Disclaimer: Please do not rely on the following service for any of your projects, since this is a simple demo and I do not promise it will be up indefinitely. Instead, make your own service from the docker image if desired.

Convert your files via API calls

A single API endpoint is offered for webpage to PDF conversion. The endpoint is /api/generator/generate and the full url https://irisreport-h3hvq4dmnq-nw.a.run.app/api/generator/generate

The API accepts only POST requests. The request body should be a JSON object with the following properties:

  • filename: Desired filename for the PDF file. Note that the extension should not be provided.
  • targeturl: URL of the website that should be converted to PDF. Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported.
  • method: Conversion method. This should be an integer value in the range [0,2]. If the value is set to 0, the conversion will be made with the WebKit render engine. If the value is set to 1, the conversion will be made with the Blink render engine. If the value is set to 2, the conversion will be made with both methods and a zip file containing them will be returned. Any number different than 0, 1 or 2 will be interpreted as 2.

Sample request body:

    "filename": "madboulder",
    "targeturl": "https://madboulder.org",
    "method": 0

Docker image

If desired, a docker image ready to run can be obtained at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/juangallostra/irisreport

To pull it, simply run:

docker pull juangallostra/irisreport:latest

And to run it:

docker run -p 9090:80 juangallostra/irisreport:latest

where you can replace 9090 by the port of your choice.

Fork the project

If you want to modify the code provided here to better suit yout needs, there is one thing you should take into account. The WebKit and Blink Luinux and Windows binaries are not included in the repo, which only contains the source code.

In order to get them, see the links below:

The code expects to find the binaries under the Iris.Report.Engine folder, at the same level than Iris.Report.Engine.csproj. The expected names are QtBinaries & QtBinariesLinux for the folders containing both Windows and Linux WebKit binaries and BlinkBinaries & BlinkBinariesLinux for the Windows and Linux folders containing the Blink binaries.


Push a new docker image to GCP

$ docker tag irisreport eu.gcr.io/iris-report-engine/irisreport
$ gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin https://eu.gcr.io
$ docker push eu.gcr.io/iris-report-engine/irisreport