
A lab/workshop for Red Hat OpenShift Data Science using simple fraud detection as an example workload

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Fraud Detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science

Red Hat OpenShift Data Science is a managed cloud service for data scientists and developers of intelligent applications. It provides a fully supported environment in which to rapidly develop, train, and test machine learning (ML) models in the public cloud before deploying in production.

The content in this repository describes how to use OpenShift Data Science to train and test a relatively simplistic fraud detection model. In exploring this content, you will become familiar with the OpenShift Data Science offering and common workflows to use with it. This repo uses RHODS ModelMesh to deploy the model which uses OpenVino Model Server (OVMS) under the hood.

Access OpenShift Data Science

In order to use the content in this repository, you need to already have access to an OpenShift Data Science environment. If that is not the case, you can sign-up for a free 30-days "sandbox" environment by going to the sandbox URL and signing up. If you are using the "sandbox" environment, some instructions will differ slightly, but they will be explicitly stated when that is the case.

Using the access credentials provided to you, log into the OpenShift Data Science portal by following the ODS Dashboard link.

Use the Username and Password details you were provided. When you see the Authorize Access page, click the Allow selected permissions button. These permissions are allowing the ODH Dashboard application to interact with the cluster as if it were your user (for the purpose of automations). This is a common paradigm with OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Step 1: Create Data science project

We can either Launch Jupyter notebook or create a Data science (DS) project which in turn would use Jupyter notebook. Here we will create a DS project just to keep different projects organised along with their resources.

create a Data science (DS) project

Create a project with a name of your choice. here we will use credit-card-fraud as the name.

enter the name and create

Step 2: Create a workbench

We will create a workbench within our credit-card-fraud DS project. This workbench will internally create a Jupyter notebook for us to play with.


  • we would use the workbench name as credit-card-fraud-wb
  • Ensure that TensorFlow is selected for the Notebook image since our example uses those packages.
  • Container size would depend on available resources in the cluster and the need of the notebook, we will choose small that should suffice our needs.
  • (scroll) Create new persistent storage with the name credit-card-fraud-wb-local
  • Persistent storage size 5Gi

click Create workbench.

workbench-details Give it a minute, it will create the workbench for you. Once created click open notebook Login and click Allow selected permissions allow-permissions

Clone Git Repository

Once your notebook container is launched, at the left-hand side of the notebook console is a Git icon.

Git Icon

Click the Git icon and then click Clone a Repository.

In the window that pops up, copy the Git URL for this repository and paste it into the box:


Then, click CLONE.

In the file browser, you will now see a folder for the repository that was cloned.

Cloned Files

Open the Notebook

At this point you should double-click on the rhods-fraud-detection folder in the file explorer, and then double-click on the Notebook.ipynb notebook file. Begin to follow the instructions in that notebook.
