Aluna is a web, responsive one-pager. It shares science content and cosmos-related wisdom, plus two inspiring Spotify playlists. Showcasing skills in the following:
- CSS3
- Figma
- Breakpoints
- Flexbox & Grid
* Spanish is its current language. Future iterations will support english as practice using JS
As all web pages, this one has the following:
- Header: Contains the logo
- Navigation bar. (Modified according to breakpoint)
- Main, which contains 6 sections:
- Sección 1: Titulo y explicación
- Sección 2: Episodios
- Sección 3: "De dónde venimos"
- Sección 4: Científicas
- Sección 5: Temáticas
- Sección 6: Call to Action * All found with that exact naming through the html index.
- Footer