Sample project can be found at
This is the repo for the COS301 Main Project, for team "The fellowship of the CIN". ##Installation insturctions. First clone the repo.
git clone
Now change to the directory and run the install. This will use npm install to install the backend dependencies and it will also run bower install to install frontend dependencies.
npm install
Ensure that an instance of monogDB is running, then to run the server use
Once you have done this you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to view the page and start interacting with it.
##How to setup the database You need to have mongodb installed on your pc. Please follow the link for futher instructions. After you have installed mongdb you can start it in the terminal with.
On some systems the sudo command might be required. Now we will want to create a database. In order to do this we simply logon to mongo.
Then we create the database we want to use with the 'use' command.
use myDB
Congratualtions you have created your database. The only thing left now is to add your database credentails to the config.js file.
##Unit tests NOTE: The unit tests can only be run on a Unix based system (ie, OSX/Linux), seeing as some environment variables are set in the npm scripts.
First, ensure you have phantomjs installed globally To install phantomjs globally (might require superuser rights)
npm install phantomjs -g
Now navigate to the root of the project, and run
grunt test
to run the unit tests. This will run the backend tests as well as the frontend tests ##JSCS JSCS is used to validate code style, this allows all of the code to have a similar style thus making it easier to understand.
To use JSCS first install the jscs npm package with the command
npm install -g jscs
Once this is done a file can be checked in the terminal using the command
cat example.js | jscs
The following two sublime text packages can also be used to assist with the checking process:
- SublimeLinter-jscs
- JSCS-Formatter
##Mobile Application
The mobile app will be built at a later stage.