
Tiled plugin to the Pogo Game Engine

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Tiled plugin to the Pogo Game Engine.

The Tiled Map Editor is an awesome tool for building levels and maps. The Tiled package for Dart is used to parse Tiled's TMX files for map rendering.

Adding the plugin to your Pogo project

Add the pogo_tiled package dependency to your project's pubspec.yaml, for example (check your version number):

  pogo_tiled: ^0.1.0

A plugin import is required in addition to the Pogo import in each source file that uses it:

import 'package:pogo/game_engine.dart';
import 'package:pogo_tiled/plugin.dart';

Currently, you will also need to import some objects from the tiled package to gain any significant functionality. (NOTE: This, ideally, will not be required once the plugin has been fully refactored for Pogo.) For example (not definitive):

import 'package:tiled/tiled.dart' show ObjectGroup, TmxObject;

TiledComponent class

The TiledComponent class is a component for use in building a GameEntity. Currently, Tiled support only renders the visible layers. Other advanced features are not yet supported.

TODO: the old version of this is working but this is slated to be rebuilt; will rewrite doc after that.

See the example app.


A prefab that implements TiledComponent.