
Primary LanguageKotlin


This is an example of TheMovieDB API usage made in Kotlin with third party libraries.


The project is structured following Clean architecture principles splitted into three different modules:

  • *domain:" Pure kotlin module that contains the model, repository interfaces and app use cases.
  • data: Android module using frameworks to manage databases and data.
  • app: Android app to present the information using the MVVM design pattern.

Used libraries:

  • Dagger + Hilt
  • Retrofit + Moshi
  • Coroutines + Flow
  • Jetpack
    • Navigation
    • ViewModel
  • Coil


  • Start migration to Compose.
    • Create custom abstract components. These components should be composable and reactive to changes.
  • Increase unit test coverage.
    • Cover most cases before the presentation layer to keep app stability.
  • Integrate CI/CD pipeline.
    • Enable GitHub Actions to run unit tests and repetable tasks.
  • Research the integration of Jetpack Paging library.
    • Make an MVP with Paging Library and test if could be usable keeping Clean Architecture.
  • Jetpack DataStore integration
    • Use DataStore to save simple data from the user. DataStore is the prefered implementation right now and replaces basic SharedPreferences.
  • Local Database
    • Integrate Room library to save local data from the user.
  • Move API keys to NDK.
    • NDK approach increases the security and prevent API key extraction decompiling the APK.
  • Check Splash API
    • Create Splash screen using the new API.