
Sample project to show a multiagent chat using socket io backend.


Problems and approaches

  • Socket is not connecting right now. I have tried to use library and bare metal socket raising connection rejected exceptions.
  • Messages are not parsed correctly since the socket is not up and running.
  • Ordered messages are not guaranteed. We should enforce that from the data layer.

Future dev work

  • Debug socket connection to run without errors.
  • Add Unit Tests to main classes in the project.
  • Handle errors with Result class or Arrow Monads.
  • Split package layers into different modules.
  • Introduce Use Cases to connect with data layer.
  • Split into horizontal modules by feature when the app gets more features.
  • Include static analysis code tools to ensure the quality in the repo.
  • Migrate MVVM to MVI.

Upcoming features (6 months)

  • Include local storage to save messages when there is no internet connection.
  • Include capability to have media over the messages.
  • Create user profile for messaging.
  • Handle online/offline status.

Strategy notes


  • The testing strategy for the repo should follow the typical testing pyramid.
  • As we could take 80% of code coverage, we should enforce the quality of the tests.
  • Critical classes, as repositories or view models, must have the main flows covered by tests.
  • All unit tests must have its dependencies with a double, can be mock or fake depending on the needs.
  • Integration tests should cover main flows of the app, mocking final data sources as could be the api or the socket in this case.
  • For the UI layer, we should start with Screenshot testing as it covers the major needs for this layer.

CI/CD and Branching strategy

  • We are going to use Github as remote repository.
  • We need to follow GitFlow principles with the basic branches:
    • Main: Storing released versions.
    • Develop: Working branch.
    • Release: Each version branched of develop and merged to main and back to develop when released.
    • Feature/Fix: Aux branches to code and merged back to develop when ready.
  • We need to include a basic pipeline using Bitrise with Build, Test and Deploy steps.
  • As the app grows, we need to include features flags to control the stability and availability of the features in production.