No matching handler found for "path to files"
ADrejta opened this issue · 4 comments
When using serverless-middleware Im getting this error when i want to start serverless offline
No matching handler found for 'src/middlewares/verifyToken.verifyToken,src/functions/resetPassword/resetPassword'
Here is how i have it setup at the moment:
service: app
# Create an optimized package for our functions
individually: true
- serverless-webpack # Package our functions with Webpack
- serverless-middleware
- serverless-offline
- serverless-dotenv-plugin # Load .env as environment variables
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
stage: dev
region: eu-west-1
resetPassword: ${file(src/functions/resetPassword/resetPassword.yml):resetPassword}
- src/middlewares/verifyToken.verifyToken
- src/functions/resetPassword/resetPassword.resetExport
- http:
path: resetPassword
method: put
- schedule:
rate: rate(5 minutes)
enabled: true
const verifyToken = async (event, context) => {
// my logic here
export { verifyToken };
const resetPassword = async (event) => {
// after middleware logic here
const resetExport = runWarm(resetPassword);
export { resetExport };
When i leave only one handler the error does not appear, however then i cannot use the middleware as described in the docs.
Serverless-offilne version: 6.8.0
Serverless-middleware version: 0.0.10
Node version: 14.0.0
P.S: When i try to do it with the then: keyword like this:
- src/middlewares/verifyToken.verifyToken
- then: src/functions/resetPassword/resetPassword.resetExport
- http:
path: resetPassword
method: put
- schedule:
rate: rate(5 minutes)
enabled: true
I'm getting this error:
TypeError: handler.substr is not a function
Sorry for the very late response.
The problem is that the webpack plugin is trying to process the handlers before middleware plugin processes them into a single handler. You must declare this plugin before the webpack one.
Using then
or not, should make absolutely no difference. I suspect that the problem is also with the webpack plugin being declared earlier in the chain.
Closing since there is no response and a solution has been given.
Feel free to reopen if there is anything else to look at.
I have the same problem.
I use this plugins:
- serverless-middleware
- serverless-webpack
- serverless-domain-manager
- serverless-webpack-layers
- serverless-offline
- serverless-plugin-datadog
- serverless-prune-plugin
Your Environment Information ---------------------------
Operating System: linux
Node Version: 14.15.4
Framework Version: 2.30.3 (local)
Plugin Version: 4.5.1
SDK Version: 4.2.0
Components Version: 3.7.5
This is a simple problem, when I run my serverless offline I use sls offline
only, but, if you use server offline start
it's work!
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