Serverless plugin to allow middleware handlers configured directly in serverless.yaml
- 3
Unsupported handler extension for module
#58 opened by kboek - 0
Support for ECR images
#57 opened by KakashiOfAnbu - 1
other lambda functions are in .middleware.
#56 opened by kim00425 - 1
I can't setup serverless middleware
#55 opened by salamat9 - 2
- 10
- 5
not working since 3.2.0
#51 opened by zoli-kasa - 4
- 3
ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND using serverless-offline
#48 opened by web-fu - 1
Which version of the plugin serverless-middleware supports function level middleware and whats the syntax
#50 opened by javedinfinite - 2
- 1
Middleware function not invoked
#49 opened by sardikB - 3
Issue with lambda callbacks
#46 opened by tmitchellgcio - 2
Middleware only runs on HTTP API
#43 opened by sslotsky - 4
Path of .middleware folder when searching for modules is broken with default folderName in Serverless 3.0
#42 opened by bcrigler - 3
- 2
serverless-typescript or serverless-esbuild
#41 opened by DnSu - 1
Allow `nodejs16.x`
#39 opened by bfaulk96 - 3
Doesn't work with Serverless v3
#35 opened by bfaulk96 - 1
- 2
- 2
conflict with serverless-plugin-warmup plugin
#33 opened by ii-igku - 1
- 1
- 2
- 4
No matching handler found for "path to files"
#20 opened by ADrejta - 2
Add Support for Node 15 runtime
#22 opened by bfaulk96 - 7
Error when using serverless-offline
#21 opened by whitte-h - 10
Add support for `sls deploy function`
#16 opened by shadrech - 2
- 4
Middleware not being called
#11 opened by shadrech - 6
Handler typescript typings
#12 opened by shadrech - 3
In serverless offline the webpack copy folder .middlerware to root project instead of copy to .webpack
#10 opened by rafaelprog - 0
Support Node 12.*
#15 opened by shadrech - 2
Update docs for sls offline
#7 opened by davidyoung77 - 3
- 8
Plugin not working in AWS
#1 opened by sebastianDejoy