- 5
Transform failed with 1 error. ERROR: The symbol "i" has already been declared
#355 opened by alihasnain-techverx - 2
Warm all lambda instead of selected one
#356 opened by uzair004 - 3
Plugin creates a empty lambda with no code
#354 opened by nahimdhaney - 1
#357 opened by suzikuo - 2
- 7
- 1
Connection timeout doesn't seem to be working
#351 opened by brettdh - 4
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'log' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
#303 opened by stbth01 - 3
Description error?
#350 opened by nbcchen - 3
- 0
Missing configuration option `alias` from schema
#345 opened by tamasbjn - 1
[Clarification] What is prewarm actually doing?
#347 opened by kaldown - 2
How to disable warmers by default, and enable them only for specific lambdas?
#343 opened by arielbeckjit - 2
Deployment failed on Windows when using warmup plugin
#341 opened by yuyitan - 2
getting issue when we update nodejs 18.x
#342 opened by juztinlazaro - 1
Is the pricing still accurate in Readme?
#340 opened by its-me-ilia - 5
Alternative event bus
#326 opened by brandon-constratum - 1
Review lifecycle hooks of different plugins to ensure that there are no issues
#338 opened by juanjoDiaz - 7
Customizable Warmup endpoint
#327 opened by RickVerkuijlen - 2
Websocket warmup
#335 opened by Travellerme - 5
warm up plugin webpack bundling issue
#337 opened by Bhirahaspathi-Sairam - 2
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
#339 opened by alanwilter - 30
#293 opened by sarynik - 2
Is @aws-sdk/client-lambda now a peer dependency?
#333 opened by agawley - 8
AWS SDK v3 upgrade is a breaking change
#332 opened by icholy - 6
- 2
Not working with Serverless Webpack
#329 opened by alienself - 2
Packaging should not include service level patterns
#324 opened by estahn - 2
- 2
Cannot find module 'handler'
#323 opened by amtzm93 - 14
- 4
Mismatching between required Serverless 3.8(from the latest v8 release) and the latest Serverless v3.22
#319 opened by terret - 1
- 7
Getting Cannot access package artifact
#309 opened by qngdt - 4
- 3
- 2
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'log' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
#307 opened by coderkk1992 - 5
Permissions when using alias
#304 opened by MartinRisk - 2
Patch 7.0.1 breaks packing
#306 opened by rfoel - 2
- 5
Temporary folder "warmer" not removed on deploy
#298 opened by gshawnr - 8
- 1
New release for serverless v3 compatibility
#301 opened by dylan-hoefsloot - 1
serverless-plugin-warmup not combatible with V3
#302 opened by Minu2020 - 1
- 5
Prewarm not using custom payload
#292 opened by dylan-hoefsloot - 1
Configuration warning from functions default
#295 opened by yusukegoto - 2
6.1.0 not available at
#294 opened by Pinny3 - 3
Remove global lambdaLayer from warmup lambdas
#290 opened by swirkens - 1
Feature Request: ability to overide the handler to warp it with error handling
#291 opened by shield007