
Production ready, MongoDB-based queue for Node.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Monkey Cymbal

Production ready, MongoDB-based queue for Node.


  • Delayed jobs
  • Retries
  • Dead queue
  • Priority
  • Concurrency
  • Pause/resume processing
  • Optional Topic based publishing (publish into multiple queues)
  • Low CPU usage
  • Able to process around 1000 messages per second (tested on Macbook Pro 13-inch, 2017, concurrency set to 150)


npm install monkeycymbal --save


yarn add monkeycymbal

Requirements: Monkey Cymbal requires MongoDB

Quick Guide

Basic Usage

import { Queue } from 'monkeycymbal';

// Initialize queue
const queue = new Queue('mongodb://localhost/myDb', 'videoTranscoding');

// subscribe to the queue
queue.subscribe((msg) => {
  // process the message
  // ...
  // we can return a result that will be saved in the message
  return 'transcoded';

// Add a message to the queue
const [msgId] = await queue.add({ video: 'http://example.com/video1.mov' });

Pause / Resume

A queue can be paused and resumed globally (pass true to pause processing for just this worker):

await queue.pause()

// queue is paused now

await queue.resume()

// queue is resumed now


A queue emits also some useful events, for example...

queue.on('added', msgId => {
  // A message has been added to the queue

queue.on('active', msg => {
  // The message is being processed

queue.on('completed', (msg, result) => {
  // The message has been processed succesfully

queue.on('error', (msg, error) => {
  // An error occurred while processing the message.
  // If maxRetries is set, it will be re-processed after a visibility timeout

queue.on('dead', msg => {
  // The message is failed permanently.
  // If a dead queue is configured, the message will be copied there.

For more information on events, including the full list of events that are fired, check out the Events reference



new Queue(connectionUrlOrMongoClient, queueName, options)

This is the Queue constructor. It creates a new Queue that is persisted in MongoDB.

Name Type Description
connectionUrlOrMongoClient required `MongoClient string`
queueName required string The name of the queue
options SubscriptionOptions
Arguments Type Default Description
visibility number (seconds) 10 After a message is received to prevent other consumers from processing the message again, Monkeycymbal sets a visibility timeout, a period of time during which Monkeycymbal prevents other consumers from receiving and processing the message.
delay number (seconds) if you set delay to be 10, then every message will only be available for retrieval 10s after being added.
maxRetries number 5 Maximum number of attempts to retry processing a message. If deadQueue is set, the message will be moved to the dead queue. Otherwise it will be acked.
expireAfterSeconds number (seconds) The processed messages will be removed from the collection after the specified number of seconds.
concurrency number 1 The max number of messages that will be processed in parallel.
pollInterval number (seconds) 10 The amount of time the subscriber waits before checking for new messages.
deadQueue string or Queue instance Messages that have been retried over maxRetries will be pushed to this queue for later inspection.



Defines a processing function for the jobs in a given Queue and start processing. The handler function receive msg as argument.


queue.add(msg, AddMessageOptions);

Adds a message to the queue.

Arguments Type Default Description
priority number 1 Optional priority value. It ranges from -Infinity to +Infinity



Pause a queue. A paused queue will not process new jobs until resumed.



Resume a queue after being paused.



Ping a message to keep it's visibility open for long-running tasks.



Returns the total number of records in the collection.



Returns the total number of messages that are waiting to be processed.



Returns the total number of messages that are currently being processed.


new Channel(connectionUrlOrMongoClient, topic, options)

This is the Channel constructor. It creates a new Channel.

Name Type Description
connectionUrlOrMongoClient required `MongoClient string`
topic required topic The name of the channel.
options SubscriptionOptions


channel.publish(msg, PublishOptions);

Publish messages to the queues subscribed to the topic.

Arguments Type Default Description
priority number 1 Optional priority value. It ranges from -Infinity to +Infinity


channel.subscribe(handler, queueName, SubscriptionOptions): Queue;

Convenience method that returns an instance of a queue bound to the channel.