
TakeMeTo is a single-page web app that displays local information about any selected city in the world.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TakeMeTo is a single-page web app that displays local information about any selected city in the world.

Heroku: https://take-me-to1.herokuapp.com/

The website's functionality includes:

  • upon loading the page, your browser will prompt you for your location via the browser's Geolocation API. If you accept, it will automatically load the information for your current city
  • a search bar at the top that allows you to select a city
    • this will display a results list populated by a list of cities provided by the GeoDB Cities API
  • once you select a city, the main page will be updated to reflect the following information about the city:
    • local time and date (time zone offset is provided by OpenWeather API, then calculated in the frontend)
    • current weather (from OpenWeather API)
    • background image will be set to the first google image search result for that city (Google Custom Search Engine API)

Technologies used: Frontend

  • React
  • Axios
  • Geolocation API for permission to access location
  • Interface with backend via first-party API


  • Express
  • Axios
  • Third-party APIs (GeoDB Cities, OpenWeather, Google CSE) to power the first-party API