NOTICE! This has been deprecated in favor of using the Arduino Library. Turns out that manually installing the library works with platformIO. You'll need to either checkout the lib or unpack it inside your /lib folder. Furthermore you may need to enable hardware serial on your microcontroller if you are not using the default serial pins.

I'm a fan of taking the path of least resistance. I'm also not that great with low level programming. But, I really needed to handle MIDI input for an old project originally done with Teensy using the Arduino MIDI library, which works with teensy but doesn't work with the ST STM32 BluePill. So, this library got created.

I'm only implementing the things I need for my project, but hope others may add to it. The library is probably not going to work as efficiently as others but I'm hoping that by working at a much higher level we can make this very portable. I'm also hoping that by utilizing the same invocation methods as the Arduino MIDI library we can make this easy to drop in replace.

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