iElectribe Controller setup for custom Teensy midi controller.

Author: Juan Segovia

Contact: (juanlittledevil at

Creative Commons: NC (Non-Commercial)


First off about the teensy,

I'm using a Teensy 2.0++ and it is configured as with the following pinout:

// PUSH BUTTONS pins 0 to 15 are connected to momentary switches which are arranged in a matrix of 4 x 4 where pin 0 is on the lower left and 15 is on the upper right.

// JOYSTICK pins 16 - 19 connect to an arcade joystick where 16=Right, 17=Down, 18=Left, 19=Up

// LED pins 20 - 35 are connected to the matrix as well and match the push buttons so that 20 is on the lower left and 35 is on the upper right.

// KNOBS 38 - 45 are the analogue pins, these connect to 8 potentiometers.

NOTE: Please read the teensy documentation and take special not to to include pullup resistors where needed. Depending on which version of the teensy you intend to use you may have to use resistors for a couple of pins connected to switches as well as those which connect to the LEDs.

the SmoothAnalogInput.h library was installed separately.

MIDI implementation and manual.

The joystick is used to select different modes.

UP - Part Select mode

iElectribe uses 8 parts (4 synth parts and 4 drum parts). While holding the joystick in the "UP" position press on the top two rows of buttons. The light will light up indicating the selected part.








This is the default mode.

Final words...

I'm not a C++ programmer and was not able to get eclipse arduino to work so I was forced to use the arduino IDE which is kinda lame IMHO. There are some things in here which would have benefited from making them into objects, instead I had to do some mad multi-dimentional arrays. The result was satisfactory tho. Have fun with this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been.