Example of how to use it as a smtp server
MontoyaAndres opened this issue · 1 comments
MontoyaAndres commented
What I mean with this is that I want to use this image to send emails with a web page in localhost, I've configured the image like this:
sudo run --name postfix -p "25:25" --net=host -e SMTP_SERVER=localhost -e SMTP_USERNAME=andres -e SMTP_PASSWORD=password -e SERVER_HOSTNAME= -e SMTP_NETWORKS='' juanluisbaptiste/postfix
And then, I use node.js as a client, with the Nodemailer library, like this:
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "localhost",
port: 25,
auth: {
user: "andres",
pass: "password"
secure: false
from: "test@example.com",
to: "andresmontoyafcb@gmail.com",
subject: "Hello ✔",
text: "Hello world?",
html: "<b>Hello world?</b>"
But it doesn't work, the error that nodemailer throws me is:
Might you help me? Thank you!
juanluisbaptiste commented
It can't be used as a mail server, it only works as a relay. If you took the time to read the README file you should have noticed that the variables SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD are for setting the credentials for the external SMTP server that is being used as a relay, not to set a username and password to be set on the container.