- 4
- 0
- 0
- 3
Overwrite Sender Header
#67 opened by TreasureMaster - 5
Send a Test Email
#102 opened by joel72265 - 1
Domain transport limit
#90 opened by rusomenace - 1
- 3
DNS connectivity issue
#105 opened by sigma2017 - 1
SMTP with TLS is not enabled
#101 opened by natasha1234567890 - 1
Container not starting.
#89 opened by ljacobo - 1
IPv6 subnet format not accepted
#103 opened by kroese - 2
SMTP Header Checks Multiple Regex
#85 opened by labsrc - 1
- 1
- 0
DNS Wildcard Problem
#84 opened by kfbfarley - 0
Github actions release action is broken
#82 opened by juanluisbaptiste - 3
Add option to enable subject line logging
#68 opened by linucksrox - 1 missing
#78 opened by RyanMesser - 1
OVERWRITE_TO - All emails to one recipient
#66 opened by wassereimer86 - 2
- 6
#65 opened by unarj - 6
Docker image for Raspberry Pi
#23 opened by koenvervloesem - 1
Add to mynetworks
#56 opened by ondrejkolin - 4
Is there an option to run docker-posfix without SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD ?
#44 opened by ilexpl01 - 12
DNS lookups fail
#51 opened by regnete - 2
Security problem with Alpine
#50 opened by lool78 - 2
smtp_tls_security_level without port 465?
#48 opened by roy-bentley - 16
Support CentOS 8 and a supervisor alternative
#16 opened by navbruce - 11
Error building alpine image
#45 opened by Diak - 3
Permission denied when mounuting /var/spool/postfix
#46 opened by Diak - 8
Postfix does log to to stdout
#1 opened by mjmayer - 3
- 5
"mynetworks" env variable
#6 opened by mirzawaqasahmed - 4
Postfix cannot find \/etc\/postfix\/sasl_passwd
#11 opened by bencomp - 1
Example of how to use it as a smtp server
#15 opened by MontoyaAndres - 1
- 1
License for the project ?
#27 opened by maykelange - 1
Please Help -Error - host [] refused to talk to me: 521 connection rejected.
#33 opened by michaelAdewunmi - 5
- 1
- 7
- 1
Sending e-mail without getting blocked
#30 opened by ViRb3 - 1
Simple test example
#26 opened by dgleba - 8
- 5
Getting the domain from the server host name
#20 opened by fajfer - 3
Can not build on arm32v7
#13 opened by Legion2