INSPIRE dashboards on docker

This is the configuration used to build and run the INSPIRE dashboards available at EEA. The process allows to run 2 images for the 2 types of dashboard app (sandbox and official) available on docker hub To build and make more customization to the images, see

To run the composition:

docker-compose -p dashboard-sandbox -f docker-compose-canonical.yml -f docker-compose-eea-dashboard-sandbox.yml up
docker-compose -p dashboard-official -f docker-compose-canonical.yml -f docker-compose-eea-dashboard-official.yml up

Then open the applications with:

The two orchestrations can be run, side-by-side in the same machine, as they have different namespaces for container, volumes and networks names.

Load the default data

The official node contains all past monitoring made by Member States. 2011 to 2016 files can be found at Sign in the dashboard and then load the monitoring files from the submit monitoring section (http://localhost/official/#/monitoring/submit):

Submit monitoring

The sandbox node is used by Member States to easily create the monitoring from the content harvested from their discovery service.

Advanced Configuration

Nginx is running on port 443|444 (it uses different ports in the official and sandbox applications, in order to enable both of them to bind to the localhost). It can be configured as a proxy, using nginx/nginx.conf. The current configuration forwards all root requests on port 80|81 to the dashboard containers:

location / {
    #dashboard application on the root
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_connect_timeout      240;
    proxy_send_timeout         240;
    proxy_read_timeout         240;
    # note, there is not SSL here! plain HTTP is used
    proxy_pass DASHBOARD_URL;
    proxy_redirect DASHBOARD_URL /;

Elasticsearch is configured with three nodes, and two discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes, to avoid the split brain effect. As by the default configuration, these nodes can all act as master, data and ingest nodes. When the cluster starts, we set the elasticsearch node as master node.

You can check the status of the elastic search cluster with:

curl http://[ES_IP]:9200/_cluster/health?pretty

ES_IP should be replaced by the IP address of the elasticsearch container. You can get the IPv4 addresses of the containers in a docker network with:

docker network inspect [NETWORK] | jq .[].Containers

Where [NETWORK] should be replaced by the network name, for instance, "dashboardofficial_network-dashboard-official".

In alternative, check the cerebro monitoring page at:


When setting an elasticsearch host on cerebro, make sure use the container name (for instance "official-es0"), or to its IP address:


The readonlyrest plugin allows to implement security & access control for elasticsearch and kibana. In the elasticsearch image three users are created: in the ["kibana_ro"], ["kibana_rw"] and ["kibana_srv"] group. The ["kibana_rw"] credentials should match the credentials from the dashboard application. The username of the dashboard application is preset to "admin", and the username of the the ["kibana_srv"] user is preset to "kibana_server". The passwords for these two users should be set in set in the docker-compose file, and need to be injected into several containers. Please note that the ADMINPASSWORD and KIBANA_SRV_PASSWORD, should be the same in every container. To change these passwords, update the following sections of the docker-compose-canonical.yml file.

    - KIBANA_SRV_PASSWORD=changeme # n.b.: must match the password on elasticsearch
    - ADMINPASSWORD=changeme
    - KIBANA_SRV_PASSWORD=changeme
    - ADMINPASSWORD=changeme # n.b.: must match the password on the dashboard
    - KIBANA_SRV_PASSWORD=changeme # n.b.: must match the password on elasticsearch


Only the web container (nginx) publishes its ports. All other containers communicate only using docker's internal network.

On this orchestration, SSL is enabled by default. In order to setup SSL with your own certificates you need to export some environment variables, with the location and name of your private and public keys:

  • SSL_CERTS_DIR: path on disk of the public key (without a trailing / on the end).
  • SSL_PUB: name of the file which stores the public key.
  • SSL_KEY_DIR: path on disk of the private key (without a trailing / on the end).
  • SSL_PRIV: name of the file which stores the private key.

If you don't have any keys, you may leave these variables empty: a runtime script will generate self-signed certificates, which will enable you to use SSL on a development environment. Self-signed certificates will issue an warning in the browser and need to be trusted by the user. It is not recommended to use self-signed certificates in production environments.

Generated self-signed certificate

Persisted Volumes

The folder /usr/share/elasticsearch/data is persisted to a named volume, whose name depends on the node and orchestration. Unless explicitly removed, this volume will be persisted on the host folder: var/lib/docker/volumes/[NAMED_VOLUME]/_data, where [NAMED_VOLUME] should be replaced by the actual volume name. The folder /daobs-data-dir/, which is mapped in the dockerfile to environmental variable INSTALL_DASHBOARD_PATH, is persisted in a volume whose name depends on the orchestration (e.g.: "dashboardsandbox_dashboard-sandbox-dir", "dashboardofficial_dashboard-official-dir"). If you change INSTALL_DASHBOARD_PATH` on the dockerfile, remember to also change the mapping on docker-compose, or your data directory won't be persisted.


View license information for the software contained in this image.