
PHPAssists/Class is a class aimed at simplifying the management of essential libraries required for multifunctional projects in PHP. It offers a unified and organized channel to load, manage, and access various basic libraries and functionalities needed in projects of diverse nature.

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Patreon PHPUnit Code Coverage Latest Version


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Description proyect

PHPAssists/Class is a class aimed at simplifying the management of essential libraries required for multifunctional projects in PHP. It offers a unified and organized channel to load, manage, and access various basic libraries and functionalities needed in projects of diverse nature.

Here are the step-by-step instructions in English to install the juanma386/php-assists-class package using Composer:

1. Open a Terminal or Command Line Interface

Access your command-line interface or terminal application.

2. Run the composer require Command

Execute the following command to add the juanma386/php-assists-class package to your PHP project. Ensure you are in the root directory of your project when running this command.

composer require juanma386/php-assists-class:dev-main

3. Wait for Composer to Install Dependencies

Composer will start searching for the juanma386/php-assists-class package in the default repository and download it along with its required dependencies. Wait until the installation process completes.

4. Verify the Installation

Once Composer finishes installing the package, you can confirm if the juanma386/php-assists-class package has been successfully added to your project. You can also check the composer.json file in your project directory to ensure that the dependency has been included.

5. Utilize the Installed Package

Now that the package has been installed, you can begin using the functionalities provided by juanma386/php-assists-class in your PHP project. Refer to the package's documentation or resources to understand how to utilize its features within your code.

These steps will guide you through the process of installing the juanma386/php-assists-class package via Composer and incorporating it into your PHP project.

The command you provided seems to run PHPUnit tests for the juanma386/php-assists-class package with code coverage enabled. Here's a breakdown of the command:

composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit && composer require --dev fakerphp/faker && 
php8.3 vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit vendor/juanma386/*/ --coverage-text -v

Explanation of the command:

  • php8.3: Specifies the PHP version (PHP 8.3 in this case) to be used to execute the PHPUnit tests.
  • vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit: Points to the PHPUnit binary in the vendor directory.
  • vendor/juanma386/*: Refers to the path where the tests for the juanma386/php-assists-class package are located.
  • --coverage-text: Generates a text-based code coverage report after running the tests.
  • -v: Enables verbose mode, providing more detailed output during test execution.

This command is designed to execute PHPUnit tests for the juanma386/php-assists-class package using PHP version 8.3 and output a text-based coverage report.

Please note that the success of this command depends on the presence of PHPUnit tests within the juanma386/php-assists-class package and the proper configuration of PHPUnit for that specific package.

Ensure you're running this command within the project directory where the juanma386/php-assists-class package is installed and that the PHPUnit tests are available within the specified directory (vendor/juanma386/*/). Adjust the paths accordingly if the directory structure has changed or if the PHPUnit tests are located elsewhere within the package.

Certainly! Here's the explanation in English:

To comprehend how the juanma386/php-assists-class library operates and how to use it, exploring its testing suite is recommended. Tests provide concrete examples of how the library is intended to be used and what outcomes to expect in various scenarios.

Here's a guide to understanding and exploring the library through its testing suite:

1. Locate the Tests

  • Look within the directory of the juanma386/php-assists-class package to find a directory related to tests. It might be located in a path similar to vendor/juanma386/php-assists-class/tests or a similar structure.

2. Examine the Test Structure

  • Inside the test directory, you'll find files with extensions like .php or .test.php. These files contain test cases written using a testing framework like PHPUnit.
  • Examine the structure of these test files to understand how the tests are organized. You might find different test classes, test methods, configurations, etc.

3. Review the Test Cases

  • Open some of the test files to observe individual test cases. These files contain test methods with assertions that verify the expected behavior of the library in different situations.
  • Analyze how the library's functions and methods are used within the test cases. This will provide a clear idea of how to interact with the juanma386/php-assists-class library in your own code.

4. Run the Tests

  • Use the PHPUnit command provided earlier to execute the tests from the command line. This will give you a detailed insight into how the tests run and the results they provide.

5. Contribute if Needed

  • If you encounter issues or have ideas to enhance the library, consider contributing to the repository. You can open issues if you discover bugs or add comments if you have suggestions for improvements.

Exploring the tests is an excellent way to understand how the juanma386/php-assists-class library is meant to be utilized, as well as to discover its functionalities and capabilities. Additionally, contributing to the project can help improve and expand the library for the benefit of the PHP developer community.

If you've ever found value or helpful solutions within our project, we extend our appreciation for your consideration to join our community on Patreon. Your modest support, if you so choose, fuels the passion that drives us to continuously innovate and offer valuable resources. We deeply value each contribution as it enables us to remain dedicated to developing ongoing meaningful solutions for our community. Your discreet, even modest, involvement is an invaluable endorsement of our work.