
Minesweeper API

Primary LanguageGo


Minesweeper API implementation to create and save games.


This API is designed to provide a client with the possibility of logging in users, creating new games, saving them and being able to obtain a list of the player's games.

Technical details:

I would have liked to add:

  • frontend using react library
  • jwt-go: Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • CassandraDB
  • gocql: Cassandra client for Go
  • Deploy in AWS


Endpoint Method Description
/ping GET To the check if server is running
/minesweeper/api/game GET Returns the id of all the player's games
/minesweeper/api/game/:game_id GET Return a game for an specific id
/minesweeper/api/game POST Create a new game
/minesweeper/api/game/:game_id PUT Save the game
/minesweeper/api/game/:game_id PATCH Modify game setting
/minesweeper/api/user/login POST User login. Returns a JWT token

How to run the application:

clone the repository and move to the project folder:

$git clone https://github.com/juanmabaracat/minesweeper-api.git
$cd minesweeper-api

Use docker to build and run the application:

$docker build -t minesweeper-api .
$docker run -p 8080:8080 minesweeper-api:latest


Create a new game

POST /minesweeper/api/game

Code Description
201 Game created
400 Bad request
500 Server error
curl -i -X POST '' -d '{"player_id": 123, "width": 2, "height": 2, "mines": 1}

Request body example

	"player_id": 123,
	"width": 2,
	"height": 2,
	"mines": 1


    "id": 15777586166085368371,
    "player_id": 123,
    "status": "playing",
    "board": {
        "width": 2,
        "height": 2,
        "mines": 1,
        "cells": [
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": true,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
    "date_created": "2020-05-08T17:51:33Z",
    "date_finished": ""

Error example, creating a game with invalid board size:

POST /minesweeper/api/game

curl -i -X POST '' -d '{"player_id": 123, "width": 0, "height": 2, "mines": 1}

Request body example

	"player_id": 123,
	"width": 0,
	"height": 2,
	"mines": 1


    "message": "invalid Board size",
    "status": 400,
    "error": "bad_request"

Save game

PUT /minesweeper/api/game/:game_id

Code Description
200 Returns the game updated
400 Bad request
404 Game not found
500 Server error
curl -i -X PUT '' -d {"status": "playing", "board": {...} }

Request body example

    "status": "playing",
    "board": {
        "width": 2,
        "height": 2,
        "mines": 1,
        "cells": [
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": true,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": true,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": true,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"

Get a game

GET /minesweeper/api/game/:game_id

Code Description
200 returns the game
404 Game not found
500 Server error
curl -i -X GET ''


    "id": 15777586166085368371,
    "player_id": 123,
    "status": "playing",
    "board": {
        "width": 2,
        "height": 2,
        "mines": 1,
        "cells": [
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": true,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": true,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 0,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": true,
                "mark": "none"
                "X": 1,
                "Y": 1,
                "has_mine": false,
                "was_revealed": false,
                "mark": "none"
    "date_created": "2020-05-08T18:14:12Z",
    "date_finished": ""

Change game status

PATCH /minesweeper/api/game/:game_id

Code Description
200 Returns the game updated
400 Bad request
404 Game not found
500 Server error
curl -i -X PATCH '' -d '{"status":"won"}

Request body example

	"status": "won"


    "id": 15777586166085368371,
    "player_id": 123,
    "status": "won",
    "board": {
    "date_created": "2020-05-08T18:13:12Z",
    "date_finished": "2020-05-08T18:14:24Z"