This exercise and the steps have been gotten from the post Don’t Be Scared Of Functional Programming written by Jonathon Morgan
This exercise consists on getting from this array:
var data = [
name: "Jamestown",
population: 2047,
temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
name: "Awesome Town",
population: 3568,
temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
name: "Funky Town",
population: 1000000,
temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]
another array w/ the form:
[ population, average-of-temperatures ],
[ population, average-of-temperatures ],
[ population, average-of-temperatures ],
In this repository you can follow the steps to convert the following code (imperative way):
var data = [
name: "Jamestown",
population: 2047,
temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
name: "Awesome Town",
population: 3568,
temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
name: "Funky Town",
population: 1000000,
temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]
// *** Imperative Style ***
var coords = [],
totalTemperature = 0,
averageTemperature = 0;
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
totalTemperature = 0;
for (var j=0; j < data[i].temperatures.length; j++) {
totalTemperature += data[i].temperatures[j];
averageTemperature = totalTemperature / data[i].temperatures.length;
coords.push([averageTemperature, data[i].population]);
Into this code (functional programming way):
var data = [
name: "Jamestown",
population: 2047,
temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
name: "Awesome Town",
population: 3568,
temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
name: "Funky Town",
population: 1000000,
temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]
// *** Functional Programming Style ***
function addNumbers(a, b) {
return a + b;
function average(total, count) {
return total / count;
function totalForArray(arr) {
return arr.reduce(addNumbers);
function averageForArray(arr) {
return average(totalForArray(arr), arr.length);
function getItem(propertyName) {
return function(item) {
return item[propertyName];
function pluck(arr, propertyName) {
function combineArrays(arr1, arr2, finalArr) {
finalArr = finalArr || [];
finalArr.push([arr1[0], arr2[0]]);
var remainingArr1 = arr1.slice(1),
remainingArr2 = arr2.slice(1);
if(remainingArr1.length === 0 && remainingArr2.length === 0) {
return finalArr;
else {
return combineArrays(remainingArr1, remainingArr2, finalArr);
var processed = combineArrays(
pluck(data, 'temperatures')
pluck(data, 'population')
console.log( processed )
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