Functional Programming Exercise (step by step)

This exercise and the steps have been gotten from the post Don’t Be Scared Of Functional Programming written by Jonathon Morgan


This exercise consists on getting from this array:

var data = [
    name: "Jamestown",
    population: 2047,
    temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
    name: "Awesome Town",
    population: 3568,
    temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
    name: "Funky Town",
    population: 1000000,
    temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]

another array w/ the form:

    [ population, average-of-temperatures ],
    [ population, average-of-temperatures ],
    [ population, average-of-temperatures ],


In this repository you can follow the steps to convert the following code (imperative way):

    var data = [
        name: "Jamestown",
        population: 2047,
        temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
        name: "Awesome Town",
        population: 3568,
        temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
        name: "Funky Town",
        population: 1000000,
        temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]

    // *** Imperative Style ***
    var coords = [],
        totalTemperature = 0,
        averageTemperature = 0;

    for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
      totalTemperature = 0;
      for (var j=0; j < data[i].temperatures.length; j++) {
        totalTemperature += data[i].temperatures[j];

      averageTemperature = totalTemperature / data[i].temperatures.length;
      coords.push([averageTemperature, data[i].population]);



Into this code (functional programming way):

    var data = [
        name: "Jamestown",
        population: 2047,
        temperatures: [-34, 67, 101, 87]
        name: "Awesome Town",
        population: 3568,
        temperatures: [-3, 4, 9, 12]
        name: "Funky Town",
        population: 1000000,
        temperatures: [75, 75, 75, 75, 75]

    // *** Functional Programming Style ***

    function addNumbers(a, b) {
      return a + b;

    function average(total, count) {
      return total / count;

    function totalForArray(arr) {
      return arr.reduce(addNumbers);

    function averageForArray(arr) {
      return average(totalForArray(arr), arr.length);

    function getItem(propertyName) {
      return function(item) {
        return item[propertyName];

    function pluck(arr, propertyName) {

    function combineArrays(arr1, arr2, finalArr) {
      finalArr = finalArr || [];
      finalArr.push([arr1[0], arr2[0]]);

      var remainingArr1 = arr1.slice(1),
          remainingArr2 = arr2.slice(1);

      if(remainingArr1.length === 0 && remainingArr2.length === 0) {
        return finalArr;
      else {
        return combineArrays(remainingArr1, remainingArr2, finalArr);

    var processed = combineArrays(
          pluck(data, 'temperatures')
          pluck(data, 'population')

    console.log( processed )

Follow the steps

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To go to a step

git checkout v0.1 
git checkout v0.15

To go to latest revision

git checkout master