It grabs entries from a Google Calendar, sorts/filters them, and outputs a nice table ready to be attached to invoices.
Default output is the console for now. CSV coming asap.
First, configure a valid gcal-settings.js in /conf, and a proper key.
npm install
npm link
To compile locally, after pulling/making changes, just run the following command in the root directory.
billtk [...options]
Minimal options
--date-start 2019-07-01
--date-end 2019-07-02
--title-include regex "(b:WP)"
--native-q Native GCal's API [1]
Quick (and highly personalized) options
These options are temporary and override "native-q"
--weeks Show the amount of hours worked this week
Planned options
--title-exclude regex
--title-split Split format into columns
--output-timezone "America/Bogota" by default
[1] "Free text search terms to find events that match these terms in any field,
except for extended properties. Optional. ".
Using native search relays filtering to Google instead of my own CPU :)
WIP (b:WP) Hola - HolaHola [Categoría] To handle auth b/c I'm efficient (lazy).
- Receive essential CLI arguments
- Switch to commander.js
- Auth to Google Calendar
- Fetch N entries
- Fetch N entries delimited by dates
- Format dates as RFC3339
- Add dates to query
- Filter entries
- Filter with Google's native "q" option
- Exclude locally w/ regex
- Calculate time of events
- Construct primitive report
- Convert JSON to CSV string using json2csv.
- Split titles to columns to categorize
- Make shortcuts to analyze day/week/month
- Allow both a specific day OR all events since day
- Generate aggregate stats
- Very simple sum of the minutes of retrieved events
- Use tags to separate content from the description box
- === Summary
- === TO-DO
- Add summary to CSV/JSON output